
Modify Virtual CEPC Configuration Settings (Compact 7)


When you use the virtual CEPC boot loader provided with Compact 7 (see Create and Run a Virtual CEPC) you can request a configuration menu that lets you change display settings, select a different debug port, change network settings, or select a different boot source. You can save these settings so that your virtual CEPC uses them again on subsequent reboots.

When you start a virtual CEPC that uses the boot loader, the boot loader displays its version and the amount of memory available, and then issues the following series of prompts for entering the configuration menu:

Hit space to enter configuration menu 5...``Hit space to enter configuration menu 4...``Hit space to enter configuration menu 3...``Hit space to enter configuration menu 2...``Hit space to enter configuration menu 1...

If no boot loader messages or configuration menu prompts appear on the Virtual PC console, your VHD image may have been configured without a boot loader. If this occurs, you can configure your virtual CEPC with the VHD image included with Windows Embedded Compact 7, as described in Create a Virtual Machine for a Virtual CEPC. See Boot Virtual CEPC from Virtual Floppy Disk for an alternate booting method.

The following sections describe how to use the configuration menu options to modify the Virtual CEPC configuration settings.

Entering the Configuration Menu

To enter the configuration menu

  1. When the configuration menu prompts appear on the Virtual PC console, press the spacebar to open the configuration menu.


    You have approximately five seconds to open the configuration menu before the boot loader continues to the next phase of the boot process.

    Configuration Main Menu

  2. When the boot loader displays the Main Menu of configuration options, type the number in the Main Menu that selects the submenu for the setting you want to modify. Here is the Main Menu:

    --------------------------------------------------------------``Main Menu``--------------------------------------------------------------``[1] Show Current Settings``[2] Select Boot Source``[3] Select KITL Device``[4] Network Settings``[5] Display Settings``[6] Debug Port Settings``[7] Save Settings``[0] Exit and Continue

    For example, type 5 if you want to change the display resolution.

  3. When you are finished making changes, type 7 in the Main Menu to save your changes.

    When you save your changes, they will persist across virtual CEPC reboots. For example, if you have chosen to change the display resolution, your virtual CEPC will continue to use your new display resolution setting whenever you reboot the virtual CEPC. If you do not save your changes, your changes will be in effect for the current boot load but not for future ones.

  4. Type 0 to exit the Main Menu and continue the booting process.

Showing the Current Settings

The Show Current Settings submenu displays the boot source device, the Kernel Independent Transport Layer (KITL) device, the KITL configuration, the display resolution, the name of the debug port, and whether DHCP is enabled.

To show the current settings

  • Type 1 in the Main Menu to view the current settings.

is the following is an example of the Show Current Settings display:

Main:`` Boot source: DEC21140 at PCI bus 0 dev 10 fnc 0`` KITL device: DEC21140 at PCI bus 0 dev 10 fnc 0`` KITL config: enabled, interrupt mode, VMINI enabled`` DHCP: enabled`` Display: 640 x 480 x 32 / Full Screen`` Debug Port: COM1 38400 baud

After it displays the current settings, the boot loader returns you to the Main Menu.

Changing the Boot Source

You use the Select Boot Source submenu to configure the boot loader to load the OS over the network or from the boot drive. By default, the boot loader attempts to contact Platform Builder to load your OS image over a virtual network device. For more information about this process, see Download and Run a Virtual CEPC OS Run-Time Image.

If you are using a custom VHD that contains an OS image, you can change the boot source to your VHD instead of the network.

To change the boot source

  1. Type 2 in the Main Menu to enter the Select Boot Source submenu.

  2. In the Select Boot Source submenu, type the number associated with the boot source that you want to use. For example, type 1 to select Boot Drive. Choosing 1 selects the boot drive as the boot source and exits the Boot Drive submenu.

  3. Type 1 in the Main Menu to show the current settings, and then verify that the boot source is what you chose in step 2.

  4. If you want to continue to use this boot source on each subsequent virtual CEPC reboot, type 7 in the Main Menu to save the settings.

  5. In the Main Menu, you can type 0 to exit and continue the boot loading process, or you can select another submenu to change another setting.

Changing the KITL Device

The Kernel Independent Transport Layer (KITL) is the communication link between your host computer and the virtual CEPC that you use for debugging your OS design. Because virtual CEPC defaults to the one virtual network device that KITL uses by default, you typically do not need to change this setting. However, if you have a custom virtual CEPC configuration with multiple virtual network devices, you can use the Select KITL Device submenu to select which network device to use for KITL.

To change the KITL device

  1. Type 3 in the Main Menu to enter the Select KITL Device submenu.

  2. In the Select KITL Device submenu, type the number associated with the desired KITL device.

  3. Type 1 in the Main Menu to show the current settings, and then verify that the KITL device is what you chose in step 2.

  4. If you want to continue to use this KITL device on each subsequent virtual CEPC reboot, type 7 in the Main Menu to save the settings.

  5. In the Main Menu, you can type 0 to exit and continue the boot loading process, or you can select another submenu to change another setting.

For more information about KITL, see Kernel Independent Transport Layer.

Changing Network Settings

You use the Network Settings submenu to assign a static IP address to your virtual CEPC, enable or disable DHCP, enable or disable VMINI, which is the VMini Virtual Adapter, or configure KITL.

By default, the boot loader attempts to access a DHCP server on the local network to acquire an IP address for your virtual CEPC to use. However, you can disable DHCP access and configure your virtual CEPC to use a static IP address instead.

To disable DHCP and configure a static IP address

  1. Type 4 in the Main Menu to enter the Network Settings submenu.

  2. In the Network Settings submenu, type 1 to view the current network settings. For example:

    Network:`` KITL state: enabled`` KITL mode: interrupt`` DHCP: enabled`` IP address:`` VMINI: enabled

  3. If the current network settings display shows that DHCP access is enabled, type 6 in the Network Settings submenu to disable DHCP access.

  4. When you see the prompt Disable DHCP (actually enabled) [y/-], type y.

  5. In the Network Settings submenu, type 5 to set the IP address.

  6. At the Enter Device IP address prompt, enter the static IP address that you have reserved for your virtual CEPC. For example:

    Enter Device IP address (actual


    The IP address that you enter must be a valid IP address for your network and must not be in use by any other device on your network. If you do not know what IP address to use, contact your network administrator.

  7. Type 1 in the Network Settings submenu to show the current settings. Verify that DHCP access is disabled and that the IP address is correct. For example:

    Network:`` KITL state: enabled`` KITL mode: interrupt`` DHCP: disabled`` IP address:`` VMINI: enabled

  8. Type 0 in the Network Settings submenu to bring back the Main Menu.

  9. If you want to continue to use these network settings on each subsequent virtual CEPC reboot, type 7 in the Main Menu to save the settings.

  10. In the Main Menu, you can type 0 to exit and continue the boot loading process, or you can select another submenu to change another setting.

Changing Display Settings

You use the Display Settings submenu to change the display resolution (width and height in pixels) and bit depth (bits per pixel) of your virtual CEPC screen. The default resolution is 640x480. The following table shows the supported display resolution and bit depth combinations.

Display Resolution and Bits Per Pixel (BPP) Supported by Virtual CEPC

Display Resolution 4 BPP 8 BPP 16 BPP 32 BPP

640 x 400


640 x 480



800 x 512




896 x 600





800 x 600




1024 x 768





1152 x 768




1280 x 1024




1600 x 1024


1600 x 1200



To change the display settings

  1. Type 5 in the Main Menu to enter the Display Settings submenu.

  2. Type 2 in the Display Settings submenu to change the display resolution.

  3. Select the desired bit depth (4, 8, 16, or 32 bits per pixel) by typing the corresponding letter as shown. For example:

    --------------------------------------------------------------`` Select Desired Bits Per Pixel``--------------------------------------------------------------``[a] 8``[b] 4``[c] 32``[d] 16

    In this example, type c to select 32 bits per pixel.

  4. Select the desired display resolution by typing the corresponding letter as shown. For example:

    --------------------------------------------------------------`` Select Display Resolution``--------------------------------------------------------------``[a] 640 x 480 x 32``[b] 800 x 600 x 32``[c] 1024 x 768 x 32``[d] 800 x 512 x 32``[e] 896 x 600 x 32``[f] 1152 x 768 x 32

    In this example, you type b to select the display resolution 800 x 600 (800 pixels wide by 600 pixels high) with a bit depth of 32 bits per pixel.

  5. Type 1 in the Display Settings submenu to show the current settings. Verify that the display resolution and bit depth are what you selected in steps 3 and 4.

  6. Type 0 to exit the Display Settings submenu.

  7. If you want to continue to use these display settings on each subsequent virtual CEPC reboot, type 7 in the Main Menu to save the settings.

  8. In the Main Menu, you can type 0 to exit and continue the boot loading process, or you can select another submenu to change another setting.

Changing the Debug Port

You use the Debug Port Settings submenu to enable or disable the debug port, select a different COM port for debug, or set the baud rate. By default, virtual CEPC enables COM1 for the debug port; however, you can use this submenu to select a different port.

To change the debug port

  1. Type 6 in the Main Menu to enter the Debug Port Settings submenu.

  2. Type 2 in the Debug Port Settings submenu to select the COM port. A list of available COM ports to use for debugging appears. For example:

    -----------------------------------------------------------`` Select Com Port``-----------------------------------------------------------`` [1] COM1`` [2] COM2`` [3] COM3`` [4] COM4`` Selection (actual COM1):

  3. Enter the number corresponding to the COM port that you want to use. In the above example, type 3 to select COM3. Selecting a COM port returns you to the Debug Port Settings submenu.

  4. Type 0 in the Debug Port Settings menu to return to the Main Menu.

  5. Type 1 in the Main Menu to show the current settings. Verify that the debug port is what you chose in step 3. For example, if you chose COM3, your current settings display should show COM3 as the debug port:

    Main:`` Boot source: DEC21140 at PCI bus 0 dev 10 fnc 0`` KITL device: DEC21140 at PCI bus 0 dev 10 fnc 0`` KITL config: enabled, interrupt mode, VMINI enabled`` DHCP: enabled`` Display: 640 x 480 x 32 / Full Screen`` Debug Port: COM3 38400 baud

  6. If you want to continue to use this debug port on each subsequent virtual CEPC boot, type 7 in the Main Menu to save the settings.

  7. In the Main Menu, you can type 0 to exit and continue the boot loading process, or you can select another submenu to change another setting.

See Also


Develop with Virtual CEPC