
Run CTK Tests Manually Through Platform Builder (Compact 2013)


You can run the Windows Embedded Compact Test Kit (CTK) by using Platform Builder.

To run tests manually by using the command line in Platform Builder 

  1. To use specific test binary files, do one of the following:

    • Copy the specific test binary files that you need to run a particular test to your OS release directory by doing the following:
      1. From C:\Program Files\WindowsEmbeddedCompact2013TestKit\tests\target\<CPU>, copy the Tux test harness (Tux) test DLL and any dependent binaries to your working release directory.
      2. From C:\Program Files\WindowsEmbeddedCompact2013TestKit\harnesses\target\<CPU>, copy the binary files for the Tux harness.
    • In Platform Builder set the Alternate Release Directories to point to the directories that contain test binary files that you need to run a particular test.
      1. In Platform Builder on the Target menu, click Alternate Release Directories.
      2. In the Alternate Release Directories window, click the Add New Directory folder.
      3. In the Browse for Folder dialog box, select the folders listed below, and then click OK.
        • %CTK_InstallRoot%\WindowsEmbeddedCompact2013TestKit\tests\target\<CPU>
        • %CTK_InstallRoot%\WindowsEmbeddedCompact2013TestKit\harnesses\target\<CPU>
  2. Copy the default command lines for the tests from the CTK Properties window.

  3. In Platform Builder, on the Target menu, click Target Control.

  4. In the Windows CE command prompt window, paste the command line.

  5. Run the test and view debug output in the Output window in Platform Builder.

See Also


Run a Test