
Targeted Build Example: Common or Platform Tree (Compact 7)


A targeted build in Platform\common or Platform\$(_TGTPLAT) is an easier and more common build scenario than one in the public tree. First, apply the targeted build preparation algorithm as shown in Create Targeted Builds for a change to Platform\common\src\soc\Freescale\mxarm11_fsl_v1\IPU\BASE\ipu_base.cpp. The sources file in this directory creates Ipu_base_mxarm11_fsl_v1.lib. Scanning the sources files in the platform tree, you see four other references to this library:

  • iMX313DS\SRC\DRIVERS\IPU\PF\sources
  • iMX313DS\SRC\DRIVERS\IPU\PP\sources

When you examine these sources files, you see that all four produce a .dll file. Therefore, the targeted build tree resembles the following.

Targeted build tree for modified .cpp

In this case, the build steps are as follows:

  1. Run Build.exe in platform\common\src\soc\Freescale\mxarm11_fsl_v1\IPU\BASE.
  2. Run Build.exe in each of the four leaf directories.
  3. Run Makeimg.exe.

See Also


Create Targeted Builds