
Catalog and BSP Selections (Compact 7)


A catalog item is an optional component of an operating system design. Typically, catalog items are not hardware-specific. The designer of the operating system is responsible for selecting what catalog items are included in the design. The build system does not build excluded items or include them in the operating system image.

You can add and remove both catalog items and BSPs for your OS design in the Catalog Items View of Solution Explorer.

To add or remove a catalog item

  1. In Solution Explorer, click the Catalog Items View tab.

  2. Expand the CoreOS folder to see the hierarchy of all available catalog items.

  3. Select a catalog item to add it, or clear the check box to remove the catalog item.

Selected catalog items are explicitly included. A green box next to a catalog item indicates that another catalog item depends on it; the catalog item with the green box will be included as long as its dependent item is included. You can get more information about dependencies by right-clicking a catalog item and clicking either Reasons for Inclusion of Item or Show Dependencies.

To add or remove a BSP

  1. In Solution Explorer, click the Catalog Items View tab.

  2. Expand the BSP folder to see the hierarchy of all available BSPs.

  3. Select to add a BSP, or clear the check box to remove a BSP.

See Also


Build with Platform Builder