
Build Step: Build Platform\$(_TGTPLAT) (Compact 7)


This step simply runs build.exe in %_WINCEROOT%\Platform\$(_TGTPLAT). The directories that build.exe makes may depend on libraries from the Sysgen OS step or the Build %_WINCEROOT%\Platform\Common step. Again, dirs filtering is used to build only the directories for which the correct OS components are present.

Sysgenplatform.bat - the tool that links the files in your OS design - is called before and after build.exe to handle any special rules; for example, filtering configuration files based on ceconfig.h and copying them to $(SG_OUTPUT_ROOT).

After this build step is completed, the $(SG_OUTPUT_ROOT) directory contains all of the %_WINCEROOT%\Platform\$(_TGTPLAT) files that you need for the later build steps. You do not need to run it again unless the %_WINCEROOT%\Platform\$(_TGTPLAT) files change. In fact, at this point in the build process, you are finished compiling and linking, and are almost ready to build your image.

See Also


Build from the Top Down
Build Step: Copy All to Release Directory