
Silverlight for Windows Embedded Code Samples (Compact 7)


Windows Embedded Compact 7 contains the following code samples that apply to Silverlight for Windows Embedded.


The sample code is only a starting point for development. As with any code, you must ensure proper error handling, identify security risks, and thoroughly test it before considering it for production use.

Feature area Description Location Related topic

Simple Application Development

Demonstrates how to build and run an application based on Microsoft Silverlight for Windows Embedded and how to update the Microsoft Expression Blend 3 XAML

Silverlight for Windows Embedded Clock Sample on MSDN Code Gallery

Silverlight for Windows Embedded

Data Binding

Demonstrates how to populate the UI of an application based on Silverlight for Windows Embedded with data from a data source collection

Populate a Silverlight for Windows Embedded UI with Collections of Data

Classes for Populating UI Elements with Data

Custom User Control

Demonstrates how to build and run a custom user control for Silverlight for Windows Embedded and how to update the Expression Blend XAML project for your own user control

Silverlight for Windows Embedded Custom User Control Clock Sample on MSDN Code Gallery

Silverlight for Windows Embedded

Application Launcher

Describes how to create a Silverlight for Windows Embedded application launcher by starting from the sample home screen (XRShell.exe)

Creating an Application Launcher by Using the Sample Home Screen in Silverlight for Windows Embedded white paper on the web or in %Program Files%\Windows Embedded Compact 7\Documentation

Sample Home Screen


Describes how to build and run an application that displays different themes to users so that they can change the theme of their home screens

Silverlight for Windows Embedded Theme Settings Sample Code Project on MSDN Code Gallery

Silverlight for Windows Embedded


Provides effects (such as ripple) for Silverlight for Windows Embedded by using XAML


Silverlight for Windows Embedded

Game Development

Describes how to build and run an application that resembles the code-breaking game Mastermind by using Silverlight for Windows Embedded

Silverlight for Windows Embedded Compact Mastermind Code Sample on MSDN Code Gallery

Silverlight for Windows Embedded

Simple Application Development

Describes how to use Windows Embedded Silverlight Tools by creating an application template, adding C++ code, adding event handlers, and updating the application with changes from an updated version of the Expression Blend project

Getting Started with Silverlight for Windows Embedded

Silverlight for Windows Embedded

Window Control

Guides you through the process of adding an existing Win32 window control to an application by using the IXRWin32Control class in the Silverlight for Windows Embedded C++ API

Add an Existing Window Control to Silverlight for Windows Embedded white paper on the web or in %Program Files%\Windows Embedded Compact 7\Documentation


Button Control

Demonstrates how to create a button control, set properties on it, attach delegates to it, and add it to the content of an item in the element tree

Included in topic IXRButton


See Also


Code Samples

Other Resources

Windows Embedded Compact 7