
CATS Command-Line Parameter Reference (Compact 7)


The Windows Embedded Compact Test Kit (CTK) Automation Tool Solution (CATS) provides an automated solution for running a test pass on a device. You can choose to run the CATS tool from within the CTK or as a console application.

The following command-line syntax shows the .pvt script file, the CATS configuration file that you specify, the image path and name, and the alternate release paths.


TestAutomation.exe /s <.pvt file path> /a "[-c <Configuration xml file path>] [-p <Image path>] [-n <Image name>] [-a AlternateReleasePath]"


  • /s <.pvt file path>
    The path and name of the script file that contains details of the tests to be run.
  • /a "<args>"
    CATS script argument and parameter of the /s parameter. Any parameters between the quotation marks following the /a parameter are passed directly to the CATS-PVT script. The parameter descriptions are below:

    • -c <Configuration xml file path> The name and location of the XML configuration file (CATS.xml) used by CATS to define device and environment parameters.
    • -p <Image path> The location of the image file to be downloaded to the Windows Embedded Compact device.
    • -n <Image name> The name of the image file (.bin) to be downloaded to the Windows Embedded Compact device.
    • -a <Alternate release path> One or more alternate release paths to the test data and test harness that are needed to perform the test pass. Separate the alternate release paths with whitespaces.


The following example can be used as a guide to performing a command-line automated test pass.

TestAutomation.exe /s C:\MyOutputFolder\Testcase.pvt /a "-c ‘C:\MyOutputFolder\CATS.xml’ -p ‘C:\MyImageFolder’ -n nk.bin -a 'C:\Program Files\WindowsEmbeddedCompact7TestKit\tests\target\x86' -a 'C:\Program Files\WindowsEmbeddedCompact7TestKit\harnesses\target\x86'"


The example uses the default CTK installation path of C:\Program Files\WindowsEmbeddedCompact7TestKit


This command-line tool uses a .pvt script file to define the automated tests that are to be run in the test pass, and a CATS configuration file that you create that defines the device and device environment parameters. You must provide an image path and name and alternate release paths that contain the location of the Windows Embedded Compact Test Kit (CTK) test harnesses and tests.

The command-line used to execute the CATS automation consists of multiple parts.

The TestAutomation.exe file installs by default to C:\Program Files\WindowsEmbeddedCompact7TestKit\tools\TestAutomation.

For detailed information about running the CATS tool and reference information about the tool, see the Compact Test Kit Overview.

See Also

Other Resources

CTK Automation Tool Solution (CATS)