
SynchronousCommand (Standard 7 Package Reference)


SynchronousCommand specifies a command to run the first time a user logs on to the computer, its description, and the order in which it is run. FirstLogonCommands are run after logon but before the user sees the desktop.

If you create a user account that does not include administrative privileges, the following commands may not be executed:

  • If User Account Control is enabled, then when that user logs in for the first time, a dialog box appears, prompting the user with an option to allow an administrator to apply the commands. If the user selects Cancel, these commands are not executed.
  • If User Account Control is disabled, these commands are not executed.

Child Elements


Specifies the action to take on a group of related settings when the answer file is used to create or modify an image.


Specifies the path to the command to execute.


Describes the command to be run.


Specifies the order in which the command is run.


Specifies whether the first logon command launches a dialog box that requires input from the user. This can reduce the delay of the "Preparing Your Desktop" screen.

Valid Passes


See Also

