
Accelerometer Driver (Compact 7)


An accelerometer is an electromechanical device that measures acceleration caused by gravity or other external forces. Because it can measure and sense the amount of acceleration, you can use device rotation and motion information provided by an accelerometer to, for example, detect the orientation of the display with respect to the user, or to measure the hand and arm motion of the user.

Applications use the accelerometer elements provided by COREDLL.DLL to retrieve accelerometer data from the device. Device drivers use the model device driver (MDD) and platform-dependent driver (PDD) elements to pass data from the device to the operating system. The PDD elements are the only ones that can be changed by the OEM.

To add this feature to your OS, see Accelerometer Driver Catalog Items and Sysgen Variables.

For accelerometer COREDLL.DLL reference information, see Accelerometer COREDLL.DLL Reference.

For accelerometer model device driver (MDD) reference information, see Accelerometer MDD Reference.

For accelerometer platform-dependent driver (PDD) reference information, see Accelerometer PDD Reference.

Sample code for an accelerometer MDD and PDD driver is available at %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\OAK\Drivers\Accelerometer



Sample code that demonstrates how to use the accelerometer APIs is available at %_WINCEROOT%\Platform\IMX313DS\Src\Test\Accelerometer\AccSample.

The Windows Embedded Compact Test Kit (CTK) tests that apply to this type of driver are:

See Also

Other Resources

Device Drivers