
Common Registry Settings (Compact 7)


The music player, video player, and photo viewer have some shared features. The registry settings for these common features are located in the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\CEMPlayer\Common\.

To provide users with the ability to enable and disable Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA) Digital Media Renderer (DMR) functionality, use the registry value located in the following key.

Name Type Description Default value



Enables or disables DMR capability at run time. If set to 1, DMR capability is enabled. If set to 0 (zero) DMR capability is disabled.



You can allow users to select or clear a check box on the Windows Media Player user interface (UI) to indicate whether to enable or disable DMR. This check box can control the value of the ENABLE_DMR_CAPABILITY registry key, but you must implement the code to enable and disable DMR. For more information, see DLNA Media Security.

See Also


Windows Media Player Registry Settings