
Remote Desktop Connection .rdp File Keywords (Compact 7)


The .rdp file contains user preferences for Remote Desktop connections. When the OS uses the Standard Shell, these preferences are applied during the RDP session. You can edit the settings in this file by using the Windows Embedded Compact Terminal Services Client (CETSC) user interface, or by editing the .rdp file directly, with a text editor. Although the generic RDP file format supports many more configurable keywords than shown here, the following table contains only those keywords implemented in Windows Embedded Compact 7.


If the OS uses the Windows Thin Client Shell instead of the Standard Shell, these settings are saved in the registry rather than in an .rdp file. They are located in the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\Default.

Name Type Description Default Value

alternate shell


Determines whether a program starts automatically when you connect with RDP. This setting corresponds to the Program path and file name box on the Programs tab of the Remote Desktop Connection client.

To specify an alternate shell, enter a valid path to an executable file for the value, for example, "C:\ProgramFiles\Office\word.exe".

This setting also determines the path or the alias of the Remote Application to be started at connection time if RemoteApplicationMode is enabled.

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Indicates whether audio input/output redirection is enabled. A value of zero (0) indicates that audio will not be recorded from the Remote Desktop device. A value of 1 indicates that audio will be recorded from the Remote Desktop device and redirected to an audio application on the server that runs Terminal Services.

This setting corresponds to the Remote Audio box of Remote Desktop connection client. For more information, see Audio Redirection with Remote Desktop Connection.




Indicates where the audio plays.

This setting corresponds to the Remote computer sound box on the Local Resources tab of Remote Desktop Connection client. A value of zero (0) indicates that the audio plays on the host server. A value of 1 indicates that the audio plays on the Remote Desktop device. A value of 2 indicates that the audio does not play.


authentication level


Defines the server authentication level settings.

A value of 0 indicates none. A value of 1 indicates that server authentication is required. A value of 2 indicates that server authentication is negotiable. A value of 3 indicates that server authentication is unspecified.




Indicates whether an attempt is made to automatically reconnect to the host if a connection is lost. A value of 1 indicates that the client computer automatically tries to reconnect. A value of zero (0) indicates that the Remote Desktop device automatically tries to reconnect.




Specifies the size, in KB, of the bitmap cache in memory. The maximum value is 32000.




Indicates the location of the bitmap cache.




Enables file and directory compression. Compression is on by default and it is recommended that it remain so.

A value of 1 indicates that compression is enabled.


connect to console


Used only in non-Windows-based Thin Client configurations. It enables the console to connect to from the command line. A value of zero (0) indicates that the command connects to a Terminal Services session. A value of 1 indicates that the command connects to the host console session.

Windows XP Professional ignores this setting.




Indicates the height of the display, in pixels. The default value is the resolution that the operating system uses when it starts up.

This value can range from 200 to 2048 pixels.




Indicates the width of the display, in pixels. The default value is the resolution that the operating system uses when it starts up.

This value can range from 200 to 4096 pixels.


disable cursor setting


Indicates whether cursor blinking is enabled during a Terminal Services session.

A value of 1 indicates that cursor blinking is not available. A value of 0 indicates that cursor blinking is enabled.


disable full window drag


Indicates whether the contents of a graphical window are visible while the user drags it in a Terminal Services session. A value of 1 indicates that the contents of the window do not appear while the user drags it. A value of zero (0) indicates that the contents of the window do appear while the user drags it.

This setting corresponds to the Show contents of window while dragging box on the Experience tab of the Remote Desktop Connection client.


disable menu anims


Indicates whether menu and window animations are enabled or disabled. A value of 1 indicates that animations are not permitted. A value of zero (0) indicates that animations are allowed.

This setting corresponds to the Menu and window animation box on the Experience tab of the Remote Desktop Connection client.


disable themes


Indicates whether themes are permitted when you log on to a remote server. A value of zero (0) indicates that themes are permitted. A value of 1 indicates that themes are not available.

This setting corresponds to the Themes box on the Experience tab of the Remote Desktop Connection client.


disable wallpaper


Indicates whether wallpaper is disabled or enabled. A value of 1 indicates that wallpaper is enabled. A value of zero (0) indicates that wallpaper is not available.

This setting corresponds to the Desktop background box on the Experience tab of the Remote Desktop Connection client.




Indicates whether the connection bar is displayed on the remote desktop when in full screen mode.

This setting corresponds to the selection in the Display the connection bar when in full screen mode box on the Display tab of the Remote Desktop Connection client.




Enables support for CredSSP, if it is present on the Remote Desktop device.

A value of 0 indicates that CredSSP support is off, and a value of 1 indicates that it is on.




Indicates whether Windows key combinations are applied. A value of zero (0) indicates that Windows key combinations are applied locally on the Remote Desktop device. A value of 1 indicates that they are applied on the remote server. A value of 2 indicates that they are applied in full-screen mode only.

This setting corresponds to the selection in the Keyboard box on the Local Resources tab of the Remote Desktop Connection client.




Indicates whether the clipboard will be automatically redirected during a Terminal Services session.

A value of 0 indicates that clipboard redirection is not available. A value of 1 indicates that clipboard redirection is enabled.




Indicates whether disk drives are automatically redirected when you log on to a remote server. A value of 1 indicates that drive redirection is on. A value of zero (0) indicates that drive redirection is off.

This setting corresponds to the Disk Drives box on the Local Resources tab of Remote Desktop Connection client.




Indicates whether COM ports are automatically redirected when you connect to a remote server. A value of 1 indicates that COM port redirection is on. A value of zero (0) indicates that COM port redirection is off.

This setting corresponds to the Serial Ports box on the Local Resources tab of the Remote Desktop Connection client.




Indicates whether printers are automatically redirected when you log on to a remote server. A value of 1 indicates that printer redirection is on, and a value of zero (0) indicates that it is off.

This setting corresponds to the Printers box on the Local Resources tab of Remote Desktop Connection client.




Specifies whether redirection of Smart Cards is permitted during server authentication. A value of 1 indicates that redirection of Smart Cards is on. A value of zero (0) indicates that redirection of Smart Cards is off.

This setting corresponds to the Smart cards box on the Local Resources tab of Remote Desktop Connection client.


Screen Mode Id


Indicates whether the remote desktop will be displayed in full-screen mode or normal mode.

A value of 0 indicates full-screen mode. A value of 1 indicates window mode.


session bpp


Defines the bits-per-pixel (bpp) depth for a session.

It can be one of the following:

  • 15 - 15 bpp
  • 16 - 16 bpp
  • 24 - 24 bpp
  • 32 - 32 bpp

This setting corresponds to the color depth that you select in Colors on the Display tab of the Remote Desktop Connection client.

Defaults to the bit depth of the local system

shell working directory


If an alternate shell was specified, this value is a string that indicates a valid path to the folder in which the application that is started up automatically is located.

This setting corresponds to the Program path and file name box on the Programs tab of the Remote Desktop Connection client.

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Span Monitors


Enables monitor spanning.

A value of 0 indicates monitor spanning is not available. A value of 1 indicates that monitor spanning is enabled.


You can associate an .rdp file with CETSC in the registry. The following example shows how to do this in rdp.reg.

    @="\\Windows\\cetsc.exe %1"

See Also


Remote Desktop Connection Reference
Remote Desktop Connection Registry Settings

Other Resources

Remote Desktop Connection