
LoaderVerifierEnumBlockList (Compact 7)


This function enumerates the items in one of the Loader Verifier lists of blocked items.


HRESULT LoaderVerifierEnumBlockList(
    __in LV_BLOCKLIST slBlockList,
    __in DWORD iEntry,
    __out_bcount_opt(cbItem) BYTE* pbItem,
    __in DWORD cbItem,
    __out_opt DWORD * pcbItem


  • slBlockList
    [in] Type of block list to enumerate. Currently the only supported block list type is LV_BLOCKLIST_CERTHASH.
  • iEntry
    [in] Current enumeration index. Set this parameter to 0 on the first call to this function and increment the parameter value by 1 on every subsequent call.
  • pbItem
    [out] Pointer to a variable that receives the blocked item. The caller can set this parameter to NULL to return the size needed for this buffer.
  • cbItem
    [in] Size, in bytes, of the buffer that pbItem points to. This parameter is ignored if pbItem is NULL.
  • pcbItem
    [out] On exit, this parameter will contain the required size of the pbItem buffer in bytes. This parameter may be NULL if pbItem is not NULL.

Return Value

The following table shows the possible return values.

Value Description


Successfully enumerated the item at the location given by iEntry.


slBlockList contains an invalid value.


No more items to enumerate. This HRESULT corresponds to Win32 error code ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS.


cbItem is less than the returned item size. This HRESULT corresponds to Win32 error code ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER


pbItem and pCbItem are both NULL.


See Also


Security Loader Functions