
Audio Drift Test (Compact 2013)


The Audio Drift Test plays a specified audio file and tests whether it drifts by one or more buffer lengths.

Test Prerequisites

Your device must meet the following requirements before you run this test.

The following table shows the hardware requirements for the Audio Drift Test.


Test device with analog line level audio output.

Test device with analog microphone audio input.

Loop-back cable.

The following table shows the software requirements for the Audio Drift Test.




The test binary used for this test.


Required for executing the test.


Required for logging test data.


The table below lists the subtests included in this test.

SubTest ID



Audio Drift Test

Plays a specified audio file and tests whether it drifts by one or more buffer lengths.

Setting Up the Test

  • Connect the analog-line level-audio-output on the device being tested to the analog microphone audio-input using a loop-back cable.
  • Upload the sample files distributed with this test to the device being tested using the Windows Embedded Compact Remote File Viewer.

Running the Test

To run the Audio Drift test

1. Open Platform Builder.

2. From the menu bar, click Target.

3. From the Target menu select Remote Tools.

4. From the Remote Tools menu, select File Viewer.

  • Verify that DriftTest.dll is available in your release directory on the device being tested.
  • From the Windows Embedded Compact Command Prompt type drifttest.dll -i InputFilePath and press ENTER. Following is an example:
    driftest.dll -i \sinewave_800M16_80.wav
  • The test will play this sample file on a loop for approximately one hour. It will automatically stop if the playback and capture audio devices drift by one or more buffer lengths.

Note: Only one sample file, sinewave_800M16_80.wav, is provided with this test. This sample file is 16 bits, Mono, 8000Hz, and 120-seconds in duration.


The Audio Drift Test plays a specified audio file and tests whether it drifts by one or more buffer lengths.


tux -d driftest.dll -c "{-i PlaybackFilename} [-v Volume] [-d deviceID] [-?]"

The following table shows the command line parameters for the Audio Drift Test.



-d driftest.dll

Required. Binary used to run this test.

-c " parameters "

Required. Indicates the command-line parameters for the audio drift test.

-i PlaybackFilename

Required. Indicates the path for, and the name of, the file to be played while running this test.

-v Volume

Optional. Specifies the volume setting. The low-order word contains the left-channel volume setting, and the high-order word contains the right-channel setting. A value of 0xFFFF indicates full volume, and a value of 0x0000 indicates silence. Note: If a device does not support both left and right volume controls, the low-order word specifies the volume level, and the high-order word is ignored.

-d deviceID

Optional. Identifies the device being tested. The DeviceID is a DWORD. The default value is 0xC000C000 from the source code.


Optional. Launches Help for the command-line parameters for drifttest.dll.

Verifying the Test

To validate the Audio Drift test

  • If the playback and capture audio devices drift by one or more buffer lengths, the test will stop and display a message in the console window noting the test failure.
  • If the playback and capture audio devices do not drift, the test will continue to play the sample file for approximately one hour, then display a success message in the console window.

Troubleshooting the Test

  • Make sure the loopback cable is connected properly from the audio output to the audio input jack.
  • If the output volume is low, amplification may be needed at the input jack.

See Also

Other Resources

Audio Tests