
Windows Update Standalone Installer (Standard 7 Package Reference)


This package is a Feature Pack in the category Management\Windows Update. The name of the package as it appears on disk and for use with some command-line tools is WinEmb-Servicing-WUSA.

This package contains the Windows Update Standalone Installer (Wusa.exe). Use Wusa.exe to install the Microsoft Standalone Update (.msu) packages that are obtained from Windows Update, from your organization's servers for Windows Server Update Services, or from other methods of distribution.


No settings provided.


No services provided.


Package Dependencies

This package depends upon the Driver Frameworks package.

Group Dependencies

No group dependencies.

Optional Supporting Packages

You can select any number of packages from the following list:

Common Uses


You must include the Windows Explorer Shell package in your image and use it as your shell in order for the Windows Update Standalone Installer to function correctly.

You must include the Internet Explorer 8 Foundation package in your image in order for the Automatic Updates feature of Windows Update to function correctly.

On devices that use File-Based Write Filter or Enhanced Write Filter with HORM to protect volumes, folders, or files, any updates that are applied to the system might not be persisted after a system restart.

See Also


Install Updates on an EWF-Protected Run-Time Image
Service FBWF-Protected Devices