
FBWF Installation and Configuration (Standard 7 SP1)


The recommended method of installing File-Based Write Filter (FBWF) is offline at design time by using Image Configuration Editor. You can also deploy FBWF in online mode using Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM). When you use DISM to deploy FBWF, you must configure the following features that are normally disabled by the FBWF installer:

  1. Disable disk defragmentation by adding the following registry key to your run-time image:
    Disable Background disk defragmentation:
    Key Name: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\defragsvc
    Name: Start
    Type: REG_DWORD
    Value: 4

  2. (Optional) Change the BootStatusPolicy setting to IgnoreAllFailures using BCDEdit. This setting is not critical to FBWF operation. You can apply the setting using the following command:

    bcdedit.exe /set {bootloadersettings} BOOTSTATUSPOLICY IgnoreAllFailures
  3. (Optional) Set the FBWF cache threshold size (128mb for x86, 256mb for amd64). If you do not supply a value, the driver will assume defaults. You may apply this setting using the FBWF APIs or fbwfmgr.exe (For example, fbwfmgr /setthreshold 128). The description of the setting as it appears in the manifest is:
    If not specified, the value will default to 128 MB for 32-bit systems and 256 MB for 64-bit systems. Valid MB ranges are 16-1024 for 32-bit systems and 16-131072 for 64-bit systems.

To enhance performance, you can change the following settings:

In This Section

  • EWF Maintenance
    Describes some special considerations you must consider when you deploy images that contain write filters.

See Also

Other Resources

Deployment Image Servicing and Management Technical Reference
Embedded Enabling Features Technical Reference