
Power Management (Standard 7 Package Reference)


This package is a Feature Pack in the category Management. The name of the package as it appears on disk and for use with some command-line tools is WinEmb-PowerManagement.

This package contains the functionality Windows Embedded Standard 7 uses to manage the power usage of the base hardware of your device (processor, chipset, memory, and so on); the attached hardware such as USB devices; software applications; and the operating system itself, both while in use and when idle.

See the list of optional, supporting packages for additional functionality, such as the Power Options item in Control Panel and support for control of power management by using Group Policy settings.





Specifies whether the user of a device will be given the option of turning on or turning off hibernation.


Specifies a plan for the computer's power settings.


No services provided.


Package Dependencies

This package depends upon the Core File System package.

Group Dependencies

No group dependencies.

Optional Supporting Packages

You can select any number of packages from the following list:

You can use the optional packages to enable the following functions:

To do this

Use these packages

Run the power management efficiency wizard or the Power Management troubleshooter tool.

Common Diagnostic Tools

Let Power Management publish power related events so that other applications can subscribe and read them.

COM+ Application Support

Common Uses


Your device hardware should be considered when considering power management. A device with read-only storage and without network connectivity, for example, is unable to store the system state before entering hibernation and therefore is unable to use it as part of a power management plan.

The <SystemVolume>\Boot folder, typically C:\Boot, must be added to the File-Based Write Filter (FBWF) Exclusion list for hibernation to work when FBWF is helping to protect a system volume.