Apply Updates to a System That Uses Hibernate Once/Resume Many (Standard 7 SP1)
After you have configured a Hibernate Once/Resume Many (HORM) environment, you must consider how you will update your device. Adding updates to your run-time image will change the state of the system. Because of this state change, you should re-hibernate your run-time image after you apply an update.
To apply an update to a system that uses Hibernate Once/Resume Many
Start your run-time image.
Deactivate HORM by using the EWF manager command or the EWF API, for example:
ewfmgr -deactivatehorm
Disable EWF by using the EWF Manager command or the EWF API. For example:
ewfmgr c: -disable
Restart the system.
If you have not previously disabled HORM (step 2), do the following:
- Press F8 at the Resuming Windows screen during system start.
- At the prompt, select Delete restoration data and proceed to system boot menu.
The system starts as usual and EWF will be disabled.
Apply all updates.
Enable EWF by using the EWF Manager command or the EWF API. For example:
ewfmgr -all -enable
Restart the system. EWF is now enabled.
Reactivate HORM by using the EWF Manager command or the EWF API. For example:
ewfmgr c: -activateHORM
Open applications and start any processes that you want to be running on the system when it resumes from hibernation.
Hibernate the system.
After the system finishes the hibernation process, use the EWF Manager to obtain the HORM state, for example:
HORM should be enabled. The system now starts from the hibernation image in the HORM environment when it is restarted.
See Also
Other Resources
Hibernation and EWF
EWF Performance Considerations
EWF Design Considerations