Enhanced Write Filter with HORM (Standard 7 SP1)
Enhanced Write Filter (EWF) lets you write-protect a run-time image. By redirecting all write requests to RAM, EWF enables the run-time image to maintain the appearance of a writable run-time image.
Windows Embedded Standard 7 only supports EWF RAM and RAM Reg modes. Disk mode is not supported.
In This Section
- EWF Overview
Provides an overview of Enhanced Write Filter. This overview describes the EWF architecture and the components that are required to support EWF.
- EWF Modes
Describes the different modes of EWF, and how to implement each type.
- EWF Installation and Configuration
Describes how to build and configure EWF-enabled images by using Image Builder Wizard and Image Configuration Editor.
- EWF Design Considerations
Describes the considerations you should make before configuring and deploying an EWF-protected run-time image.
- Troubleshooting EWF
Provides tips for troubleshooting common EWF configuration problems.
- EWF Manager
Describes the command-line syntax for the EWF Manager.
Describes the functions that you can use to programmatically control EWF.
Related Sections
- Enhanced Write Filter with HORM
Provides information about the Enhanced Write Filter with HORM package and settings.