
Shadow Copy Volume Interface (Standard 7 Package Reference)


This package is a Feature Pack in the category Data Integrity. The name of the package as it appears on disk and for use with some command-line tools is WinEmb-VSS-Foundation.

This package contains the libraries and utilities that support management of the hidden Shadow Copy volume that is created to store restore points, BitLocker encrypted data, and snapshots ("shadow copies") of data files.


No settings provided.


  • Volume Shadow Copy service software provider


Package Dependencies

This package depends upon the Core File System package.

Group Dependencies

No group dependencies.

Optional Supporting Packages

You can select any number of packages from the following list:

Common Uses


The minimum size for a volume using Shadow Copy is 1 GB, approximately 30 percent of which is dedicated to the hidden Shadow Copy volume when enabled.

While it is technically possible to do so, we do not recommend using Shadow Copy on a volume that is also being protected with File-Based Write Filter (FBWF) or Enhanced Write Filter with HORM (EWF).