
MTP Responder (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


You use MTP Responder with Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3 to create devices that are compatible with Windows 7 Device Stage. Device Stage shows, in a single location, the devices that are connected to a user's computer. From this location in Windows, a user can find and use devices, along with services for those devices.

Device Stage communicates with devices by using the Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) through a USB or network connection. MTP enables an application, known as the MTP initiator, to control a portable device, known as the MTP responder. Devices participate in Device Stage by implementing an MTP responder that can handle Device Stage requests from an MTP initiator. The MTP initiator issues commands to the MTP responder to control the device, retrieves device status from the MTP responder, and transfers digital media content and metadata between the computer and the device. The MTP responder functionality provided by the MTP Responder component of Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3 is specifically designed to support the MTP initiator that is included in Windows 7 for Device Stage.

To install this feature, go to the Windows Embedded CE 6.0 Download Center. After you install this feature, locate the documentation at C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform Builder\6.00\MTP Responder Development Guide.pdf or C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Platform Builder\6.00\MTP Responder Development Guide.pdf.

MTP Responder is based on the MTP responder reference implementation in the Windows 7 Portable Device Enabling Kit for MTP, Version 7R2, and it contains all the components and APIs of this reference implementation. There are a few differences:

  • MTP Responder includes functionality specific to Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3 for reporting device information to Device Stage.
  • MTP Responder includes an MTP storage implementation that you can use to create production devices.
  • MTP Responder includes MTP IP Authentication functionality for managing network connections from MTP initiators.

For reference information, see:

For more information about Windows 7 Device Stage, see:

In This Section

MTP IP Authentication Structures

MTP IP Authentication Functions

See Also

Other Resources

Applications and Services