
CE Update Check Tool (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


This tool is used to determine whether updates are available for Platform Builder, Platform Manager, and board support packages (BSPs) installed on your development workstation. It also uses a cyclical redundancy checking process to verify the files associated with each BSP.

The installation specifications for each update's files are found in the Wincepb60.ini file, typically found in your Windows directory.

After you have completed a check of the installed BSPs, the CE Update Check tool displays the results in two panes.

The left pane contains a tree hierarchy that displays the installed updates using a system of icons.

The right pane displays information about the fixes in the selected update, including the Knowledge Base article number, release date, and CRC values.

You can sort the displayed data by date, file path, or Knowledge Base article number.

The following table shows the icons and their descriptions.

Icon Description

Green check mark symbol

The file is installed as specified in the WinCEPB60.ini file, and passes the verification check.

Green check mark with ellipsis symbol

The file is installed as specified, but could not be verified because the verification check was stopped.

Yellow warning symbol

The file is not installed as specified, so no verification check was performed.

Red circle and exclamation mark symbol

The file is installed as specified, but fails the verification check.

For information about using the CE Update Check Tool, see Scanning for Updates using the CE Update Check Tool and Displaying Results from the CE Update Check Tool.

See Also

