
Remote Tools Framework Terms and Concepts (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


The following list of terms and concepts provides information about terms and concepts specific to the Microsoft Remote Tools Framework.

  • plug-in
    A program that is tightly integrated with a larger or parent program to enhance or extend functionality of the parent program. A plug-in based on the Remote Tools Framework consists of a desktop-side and a device-side component that pass data to each other.
  • command transport
    An agnostic connection between the desktop-side and device-side components of a plug-in based on the Remote Tools Framework which exposes APIs to allow for simple file and directory management between the desktop and the device.
  • command packet
    An object that contains an integer ID, and a variable list of parameters. The parameter types can be a WORD, a DWORD, a string, or an array of bytes.

See Also

Other Resources

Remote Tools Framework