
Distribution of Plug-ins (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


When you have developed a plug-in that is based on the Microsoft Remote Tools Framework and want to distribute the plug-in to other users, these users also must have the Remote Tools Framework installed on their development workstations.

Instruct the users to download a copy of the Remote Tools Framework setup according to the instructions provided in the Microsoft Software License Terms document, License.rtf or Eula.txt, that was included when you installed the Remote Tools Framework on your developer workstation.

The following two sections describe how to add the Remote Tools Framework components to the installer for your plug-in so that other users can download it along with your plug-in.

Obtain the Redistribution Package

There are specific licensing terms that are associated with distributable code. After you have installed the Microsoft Remote Tools Framework (stand-alone distribution only), review the License.rtf and Redist.txt files in your Remote Tools Framework installation directory.

Mechanisms for Distribution

As stated in the Microsoft Software License Terms for the stand-alone installation of the Remote Tools Framework, developers of plug-ins that are based on the Remote Tools Framework should instruct their customers to download the Microsoft Remote Tools Framework installer from this Microsoft Web site. On the site, they should then search for "Remote Tools Framework." In the installer, the Remote Tools Framework components are packaged in a Microsoft Windows Installer (.msi) file called RemoteToolsFramework.1.00.msi.

For information about code signing your plug-in binaries, see Signing Device-Side Binaries before Distributing Plug-ins.

For information about distributing your new plug-ins to developer workstations that use Windows Vista, see this Microsoft Web site.

For more information about Windows Installer, see the Windows Installer documentation at this Microsoft Web site.

See Also

Other Resources

Remote Tools Framework Plug-in Development