
WAP API Sample for User Data at the WDP Layer (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


The following code example illustrates how to send and read a primitive with user data through WDP_LAYER. The code uses one device as both the initiator and the responder. These two roles are distinguished by using different ports.


If the structure elements are not correctly initialized, the WAP API returns the error 0x80070057, "The parameter is incorrect."

#include <windows.h>
#include <wap.h>

//  Use UDP bearer if bUDP = true, Use SMS bearer if bUDP = false;
bool WdpSendAndReadEcho( bool bUDP ) 

    bool bSendReadOK = false;

    HRESULT hResult;

    //  Open WAP for Sending WDP UnitData
    const WAP_LAYER wlLayer = WAP_LAYER_WDP;
    const DWORD dwSendPort = 3000L;
    WAP_HANDLE hWapSend = 0L;
    HANDLE hWapSendMsgEvent= NULL;

    //  Open WAP for reading WDP UnitData
    const DWORD dwRecvPort = 3001L;
    WAP_HANDLE hWapRecv= 0L;
    HANDLE hWapRecvMsgEvent = NULL;

    //  Create WDP UnitData structure with user data
    WAP_ADDRESS waSendRecv;
    const TCHAR *const tszIpLoopbackAddr = _T("");// For UDP bearer
    const TCHAR *const tszTelNum = _T("8009352663");   // Sample Phone number, used for SMS bearer

    WDP_UNITDATA Wdpunitdata;

    DWORD dwWdpRecvDataSize = 0L;
    WDP_UNITDATA *pcbWdpRecvData = NULL;
    // Use temporary buffer because pbUserData is const BYTE * 
    BYTE *pbBuffer = NULL;

    hResult = WapOpen( wlLayer, dwSendPort, &hWapSend, &hWapSendMsgEvent );
    if ( FAILED(hResult) || !hWapSend || !hWapSendMsgEvent  ) 
        OutputDebugString( _T("WapOpen() for sending WDP UnitData failed") );
        hWapSend = 0L;
        hWapSendMsgEvent= NULL;
        return false;

    hResult = WapOpen( wlLayer, dwRecvPort, &hWapRecv, &hWapRecvMsgEvent );
    if ( FAILED(hResult) || !hWapRecv || !hWapRecvMsgEvent ) 
        OutputDebugString( _T("WapOpen() for reading WDP UnitData failed") );
        hWapRecv= 0L;
        goto exit_label;


        _tcsncpy( waSendRecv.ptsAddress, tszIpLoopbackAddr, MAX_WAP_ADDRESS_LENGTH );
        _tcsncpy( waSendRecv.ptsAddress, tszTelNum, MAX_WAP_ADDRESS_LENGTH);


    // Initialize the WDP UnitData
    memset( &Wdpunitdata, 0, sizeof(Wdpunitdata) );
    Wdpunitdata.wpiPrimitiveID = WAP_PRIMITIVE_ID_T_DUNITDATA;
    Wdpunitdata.wptPrimitiveType = WAP_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_REQUEST;
    Wdpunitdata.dwValidFields =  (WDP_FIELD_SOURCEADDRESS      |
                                  WDP_FIELD_SOURCEPORT         |
                                  WDP_FIELD_DESTINATIONADDRESS |
                                  WDP_FIELD_DESTINATIONPORT    |
                                  WDP_FIELD_USERDATA );
    Wdpunitdata.waSourceAddress =  waSendRecv;
    Wdpunitdata.dwSourcePort = dwSendPort;
    Wdpunitdata.waDestinationAddress = Wdpunitdata.waSourceAddress;
    Wdpunitdata.dwDestinationPort = dwRecvPort;
    // Set Random user data with size = 0x100
    Wdpunitdata.dwUserDataSize = 0x100;

    if(pbBuffer = new BYTE[Wdpunitdata.dwUserDataSize])
    // Fill the user data section with random data
        for ( DWORD dw = 0; dw < Wdpunitdata.dwUserDataSize; dw++ ) 
            pbBuffer[ dw ] = rand() % 0xFF;
        goto exit_label;
    Wdpunitdata.pbUserData = pbBuffer;

    //  Send WDP Data
    hResult = WapSend( hWapSend, (WAP_PRIMITIVE_BASE *)&Wdpunitdata );
    if ( FAILED(hResult) ) 
        OutputDebugString( _T("WapSend() with WDP Unitdata failed") );
        goto exit_label;

    //  Wait for WAP message received Event
    if ( WAIT_OBJECT_0 != WaitForSingleObject( hWapRecvMsgEvent , 10000L ))
        OutputDebugString( _T("Failed to wait for or timed out waiting for expected WDP Data") );
        goto exit_label;

    hResult = WapGetNextPrimitiveSize( hWapRecv, &dwWdpRecvDataSize);
    if ( FAILED(hResult) || (0 == dwWdpRecvDataSize) ) 
        OutputDebugString( _T("WapGetNextPrimitiveSize() failed") );
        goto exit_label;

    //  Allocate memory for storing received WDP Data
    pcbWdpRecvData =( WDP_UNITDATA* ) new BYTE[ dwWdpRecvDataSize ];
    if ( !pcbWdpRecvData) 
        OutputDebugString( _T("Failed to allocate memory for storing WDP Unit Data") );
        goto exit_label;

    //  Read WDP Data
    hResult = WapRead( hWapRecv, (WAP_PRIMITIVE_BASE *)pcbWdpRecvData, dwWdpRecvDataSize );
    if ( FAILED(hResult) ) 
        OutputDebugString( _T("WapRead() failed") );
        goto exit_label;

    // Validate the received primitive and
    // Compare the received user data to the sent user data
    if (!pcbWdpRecvData)
        goto exit_label;

    bSendReadOK = true;
    bSendReadOK &= (WAP_PRIMITIVE_ID_T_DUNITDATA == pcbWdpRecvData->wpiPrimitiveID);
    bSendReadOK &= (WAP_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_INDICATION == pcbWdpRecvData->wptPrimitiveType);
    bSendReadOK &= (pcbWdpRecvData->dwValidFields & WDP_FIELD_SOURCEADDRESS ) && ( pcbWdpRecvData->dwValidFields & WDP_FIELD_SOURCEPORT );
    bSendReadOK &= (pcbWdpRecvData->dwUserDataSize == Wdpunitdata.dwUserDataSize);
    if(bSendReadOK && pcbWdpRecvData->pbUserData)
        bSendReadOK &= !memcmp(pcbWdpRecvData->pbUserData, Wdpunitdata.pbUserData, pcbWdpRecvData->dwUserDataSize);
    //  Close WAP  for Sending WDP UnitData
    if ( hWapSend) 
        hResult = WapClose( hWapSend );
        if ( FAILED(hResult) ) 
            OutputDebugString( _T("WapClose() for sending WDP UnitData failed") );
            bSendReadOK = false;
            hWapSend = 0L;

    //  Close WAP  for Receiving WDP UnitData
    if ( hWapRecv ) 
        hResult = WapClose( hWapRecv );
        if ( FAILED(hResult) ) 
            OutputDebugString( _T("WapClose() for reading WDP UnitData failed") );
            bSendReadOK = false;
            hWapRecv = 0L;
    // Clear the buffers
    if (pbBuffer) 
        delete[] (BYTE*) pbBuffer;
        pbBuffer = NULL;

    if ( pcbWdpRecvData ) 
        delete [] (BYTE*) pcbWdpRecvData;
        pcbWdpRecvData = NULL;

    return bSendReadOK;

See Also


Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) API