
Bluetooth Migration (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


The following list contains migration information about Bluetooth functionalities:

  • The Headset sample, BtHeadset, in the %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\Oak\Drivers\Bluetooth\Sample directory, released in Windows Embedded CE.NET 4.2, has been deprecated. In this release, the Audio Gateway Service has been added to support the Headset Profile and the Hands-Free Profile. This service links Bluetooth devices by using the Winsock interface to the Bluetooth Protocol Stack.
  • The SYSGEN_BTH_HEADSET_AG variable does not exist in Windows CE 5.0. To migrate an OS design that uses SYSGEN_BTH_HEADSET_AG to Windows CE 5.0, replace this variable with SYSGEN_BTH_AG. This variable includes the Audio Gateway service in your OS design.
  • The Bluetooth Universal Transport Manager (BthUniv) has been enhanced in this release to support both built-in and PnP transport drivers and load the appropriate transport driver. For more information about BthUniv, see Supported HCI Transport Drivers.

For general migration information, see Migrating from an Earlier Version of Windows CE.

See Also

Other Resources
