
Binary ROM Iimage File System (BinFS) (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


The binary ROM Image File System (BinFS) is a file system that reads the binary image (.bin) file format generated by Romimage.exe. The .bin file format organizes data into specific sections. Each section contains a section header that specifies the starting address, length, and checksum values for that section. Romimage.exe writes data organized by logical sections, such as an application's text or .data region, to the .bin file.

To load BinFS on top of a block driver, you must enter the appropriate registry keys in the storage profile of your block driver. The following code example shows the registry keys you can add to the storage profile of your block driver to specify that BinFS is the default file system.

    "Folder"="NAND Flash"
    "Name"= "FLASH Disk Block Device"
    "FriendlyName"="BIN Filesystem"

The default setting for BinFS is for the BINFS mount point to be visible to the user. In order to hide the mount point from the user you must add a registry key to prevent the FAT file system from shadowing the Windows directory. To add this key, set one of the following registry keys.

  • Windows CE 5.0 and later

  • Windows CE .NET 4.2 and earlier


See Also


How to Implement BinFS


BinFS and the Bootpart Library
Boot Loader Support for BinFS

Other Resources

Included File Systems