
How to Develop a Flash Media Driver (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


You can develop a flash media driver (FMD) to perform the input and output of data to a flash memory device. To do this, you must add support for the FMD functions to your driver. Once you have added support for the FMD functions, you can then debug your flash media driver to verify that it is functioning properly.

Hardware and Software Assumptions


Step Topic

1. Add support for the required FMD functions to your driver.

The following list shows the required FMD functions:

Not applicable

2. Build your driver.

When building your driver, verify that your driver links to the Fal.lib link library.

Building a Device Driver from the Command Line

3. Create a basic sample application that implements the FMD functions. This sample application will be used to debug your FMD.

Not applicable

4. Debug your driver in Platform Builder by setting a breakpoint in the entry point for each of the FMD functions for your driver.

You will need to reboot your target device and reload your driver to confirm that the driver executes to the breakpoint.

Setting a Breakpoint at a Source Code Line

5. Download your run-time image to your target device.

Downloading a Run-Time Image

6. If you want to verify that your driver loads and functions correctly, run your sample application until you reach the breakpoints you previously set.For more information on troubleshooting debugging a driver, see Troubleshooting: Debugging a Driver.

Launching an Application While the Debugger Is Running

See Also


Block Driver Architecture
How to Configure a Run-Time Image to Support a Flash Media Device

Other Resources

Flash Driver FAL and FMD Model
Flash Drivers
Block Drivers