
How to Use the CETK to Test a Driver (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


You can use the Windows Embedded CE 6.0 Test Kit (CETK) (CETK) to test a Windows Embedded CE–based device driver. You can connect the CETK to a Windows Embedded CE–based device and then select a test or tests to run on the target device. The CETK provides tests for several categories of peripheral devices. You should use the CETK to test a device driver after you develop the driver and after you have a run-time image on your target device.

Hardware and Software Assumptions

The target device must include the hardware for which you have developed the driver. Any other hardware or software required by your driver must also be present. For a custom test, the relevant DLLs must be included.


Note that steps 2, 10, 12, and 13 are optional.

Step Topic

1. Use the Windows Embedded CE OS Design Wizard to select a design template and the initial components for the OS design, or open an existing OS design.

Or, If you have already downloaded a run-time image to a Windows Embedded CE powered device, start the device to be tested.

Creating an OS Design with the Windows Embedded CE OS Design Wizard

2. (Optional) You may add support for the CETK to the OS design before building a run-time image. After you download a run-time image to a target device, Platform Manager can dynamically add support for the CETK to the running target device by copying the Clientside.exe file to the target device.

As an alternative to adding CETK support to the OS design, you can add support for the CETK to a running target device. To do this, copy Clientside.exe to the target device. In %_WINCEROOT%\Others\Wcetk, the Clientside.exe file is located in a directory with a name corresponding to the name of the CPU for your target device. For more information about manually adding support for the CETK, see Running the CETK Tool without the CETK Client in the Run-Time Image.

Adding Support for the CETK to an OS Design in Platform Builder

3. Build the OS design into a run-time image if you have not already done so.

Building a Run-Time Image

4. In the Output window, on the Output tab, verify that the build contains no errors.

Build Error Debugging Process

5. Choose a download service appropriate for the connection hardware. The download service will download a run-time image to the device to be tested.

Download Service Selection

6. Set up and configure the connection hardware required for the download service. That hardware connects the device being tested to the development workstation, on which Platform Builder is installed. Examples of connection hardware include cables, a hub, or Ethernet network adapters.

Hardware Configuration

7. If you selected Serial Download Service in step 5, configure the HyperTerminal terminal emulation application to display the serial debug output from the serial port on the device to be tested.

This configuration requires a null-modem cable connected to a serial port, such as COM1.

Configuring HyperTerminal for BSPs

8. Turn on the device to be tested so that it becomes active on the Ethernet network or over the serial connection, and Platform Builder can discover it.

Not applicable

9. Download the run-time image onto the device to be tested through the configured connection.

Downloading a Run-Time Image

10. (Optional) If you want to define the characteristics of a custom test, create a custom Tux Test Harness (Tux) dynamic-link library (DLL). After creating a Tux DLL, use the User-Defined Test Wizard to add your test to the CETK.

The CETK provides a standard set of tests that you can run on your target device.

Building a Tux DLL with Platform Builder

11. Configure the settings for communication between the CETK and the target device, and then connect the CETK to the target device.

Connecting the CETK to a Target Device by Using Platform Manager

12. (Optional) Designate the directory on your development workstation where the CETK stores the results of CETK tests that are run.

Selecting a Directory to Store Test Results

13. (Optional) Configure the CETK to consolidate the results of several tests into a .cab file after the tests are complete. You can also choose to encrypt the results of a test. Encryption prepares the results of a test for submission to the Driver Validation Program.

For more information about the Driver Validation Program, see this Microsoft Web site.

Choosing a Way to Store Test Results

14. Familiarize yourself with the CETK tests and decide which test or tests you want to run.

CETK Tests

15. Run your desired test on your device.

You can also run all of the tests that are selected for a target device, or specify which tests you want to run. For more information, see Running CETK Tests.

Running a Single Test in the CETK

16. View the results of your test or tests.

Viewing the Results of a Test

If you select multiple tests to run on the target device, you can save your selection of tests for future use as a test suite. For more information, see Creating a Suite of Tests.

See Also


How to Create a Device Driver

Other Resources

Device Driver Development How-to Topics
Windows Embedded CE Test Kit
CETK Setup