
USB Host Controller Drivers (Compact 2013)


Windows Embedded Compact 2013 supports universal serial bus (USB) 2.0. This section provides links to topics that explain USB host-controller drivers, the provided sample drivers, and the required registry settings, as well as a programming reference.

Windows Embedded Compact supports multiple host controllers. A host controller is a hardware component that is contained in a host computer. The host-controller driver converts data between the format used by the host computer and the format used by the USB host controller. You must write a USB host-controller driver only if you are building a hardware platform with host-controller hardware that does not conform to one of the following host-controller specifications:

  • Universal host controller interface (UHCI)
  • Open host controller interface (OHCI)
  • Enhanced host controller interface (EHCI)

OHCI or UHCI drivers must link with Hcdlib.lib. This library implements common functionality for OHCI and UHCI. A platform that builds its own OHCI or UHCI linked with Ohcdmdd2.lib or Uhcdmdd.lib must also link with Hcdlib.lib. Hcdlib.lib implements functionality that is common between OHCI and UHCI.

To add this feature to your OS, see USB Host Driver Catalog Items and Sysgen Variables.

For reference information, see USB Host Controller Driver Reference.

To configure how USB device drivers are loaded, see USB Host Controller Driver Registry Settings.

Source code is available at %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\Oak\Drivers\USB.

For information about Windows Embedded Compact Test Kit (CTK) tests that apply to this type of driver, see USB Host Driver Verification Tests.

See Also


USB Driver Reference

Other Resources

USB Host Drivers
Power Management
USB Host Client Drivers