
Virtual Channel Client Registration (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


This topic provides information on virtual channel client registration. For information about the virtual channel client, see Virtual Channel Client.

Virtual Channel Client Registry Key

To register your virtual channel client DLL, you must store the name of the virtual channel client DLL in the registry. To do this, add a registry subkey to the registry.

For a virtual channel client that applies to all connections, add a subkey to the following location in the registry.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\Default\Addins

For a virtual channel client that applies to only a specified connection, add a subkey to the following location in the registry.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\connection\Addins

These registry keys are located in rdp.reg. You can create and manage connections by using Connection Manager.

Ee483946.collapse(en-US,WinEmbedded.60).gifRegistry Key Name and Values

The registry subkey can have any name. It must contain a REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ value, and may contain a REG_DWORD value. The REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ value has the following syntax.

Name = DLLname

If Name is a REG_EXPAND_SZ value, it can contain unexpanded environment variables that are expanded at run time.

The value of DLLname can be a fully qualified path of a .dll file. If DLLname does not contain a path, the standard DLL search strategy is used.

If the virtual channel client application includes a call to VirtualChannelInitEvent in which the remote control flags are set, a REG_DWORD value may also be added to the subkey. This subkey may contain a REG_DWORD value. This REG_DWORD value has the following syntax.

RemoteControlPersistent = flag

The value of flag can be 0 or 1, with 0 as the default value. If flag is set to 1, the add-in will not be notified if the remote-control persistent virtual channel is started or stopped. If flag is set to 0, these events will be signaled for the add-in as connections and disconnections, respectively.

See Also


Virtual Channels Implementation
Remote-Control Persistent Virtual Channels