
Options Dialog Box: System Debugger: General (Compact 2013)


Use this page of the Options Dialog Box to configure global settings for the kernel debugger and its associated debug windows. To display this page, go to Platform Builder > System Debugger > General in the left pane of the dialog box. The settings are grouped on the page by type. The following table describes them.

Dialog Box Area




Hexadecimal display

Select to display values in hexadecimal format and parse user input in hexadecimal format in all debugger windows and dialogs.
When using the debugger in hexadecimal mode, you can enter decimal numbers using the prefix 0n (zero-n). For example, you might enter 0n1000.


Display Unicode strings

Select to display Unicode-format strings for debugging international programs.


View floating point registers

Select to display contents of floating-point registers in the Registers window.


View multimedia registers

Select to display the contents of multimedia registers.


Disable kdstub on Stop Debugging

Select to disable the Platform Builder kernel debugger when Stop Debugging is selected.


Ignore timestamp mismatches

Select to ignore a time stamp mismatch.


Enable breakpoints while running

Select to enable breakpoints while running.

Memory Window


Use to type the beginning address for the block of memory to be displayed.

Memory Window


Use to select the display format for memory contents.

Memory Window

Reevaluate expression

Use to dynamically evaluate an expression entered in the Memory Window.
For example, select this option if you want to enter a pointer and have the memory window display the address pointed to even when the pointer changes.
Do not select this option if you want the pointer to be evaluated once and the Memory Window to continue to point to that address even when the pointer changes.

Memory Window

Show data bytes

Select to display data as raw bytes as well as in the chosen format.

Memory Window

Fixed width

Select to display memory contents in a fixed-width format.
Enter the width in the text box on the right. Width units are determined by the format selected above.
For example, if you choose Short and set the width to 4, each row in the Memory Window displays four short values.

Disassembly Window

Source Annotation

Select to display source code within listing assembly-language code.

Disassembly Window

Code bytes

Select to display the bytes corresponding to each assembly-language instruction.

Disassembly Window


Select to display symbolic names, such as CMyApp::OnMyEvent, for addresses in the Disassembly Window.

Call Stack Window

Parameter values

Select to display values passed to each parameter for each call shown in the Call StackWindow.

Call Stack Window

Parameter types

Select to display type information for each parameter for each call shown in the Call StackWindow.

Call Stack Window

Frame Pointer

Select to display frame pointer information in the Call StackWindow.

Call Stack Window

File name

Select to display the file name in the Call StackWindow.

See Also


Options Dialog Box


Platform Builder User Interface