
Downloading a Run-Time Image to a CEPC (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


After you customize the OS design and then build the run-time image, you are ready to download the run-time image to your device. In this example, you will download the image to a Microsoft Windows CE PC-based hardware platform (CEPC).


If you want to create an OS design that targets a CEPC, you must select the CEPC x86 board support package (BSP) when you install Windows Embedded CE 6.0.

To download a run-time image to a CEPC

  1. If you have not previously created a boot floppy disk for the CEPC, create one now. For more information, see Creating a Boot Floppy Disk for an x86 SDB.

  2. Insert the boot floppy disk into drive A of the CEPC target device.

  3. In Platform Builder, establish a connection to the CEPC. On the Target toolbar, select the target device name from the Device: list.

    For information about how to configure settings for this connection, see Configuring a Connection for Downloading and Debugging.

  4. From the Target menu, select Attach Device.

  5. You do not need to open the nk.bin file in Platform Builder first anymore, as you did in previous versions. After you have set up your connectivity configuration (step 3), when you choose Attach Device from the Target menu, Platform Builder will open the Select A Run-Time Image dialog box for you to choose your run-time image. In this dialog box, navigate to the location where you built the run-time image, and then choose it.

    The Download Runtime Image to CE Device dialog box appears. Perform one of the following tasks:

    • If the image downloads, UI appears on the CEPC. Proceed with the next step.
    • If the status bar in this dialog box does not show download progress within a few minutes, restart the CEPC. After the image is downloaded, UI appears on the CEPC.
  6. If a setup wizard appears, follow the instructions in the wizard.

    You are now ready to test the run-time image.

See Also


Developing a Target Device by Using a Design Template