
UWF_OverlayConfig (Industry 8.1)


Review the syntax, members, and examples of the UWF_OverlayConfig WMI provider class for Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry (Industry 8.1).

This class displays and configures global settings for the Unified Write Filter (UWF) overlay. You can modify the maximum size and the type of the UWF overlay.


class UWF_OverlayConfig{
    [key, Read] boolean CurrentSession;
    [read] UInt32 Type;
    [read] SInt32 MaximumSize;

    UInt32 SetType(
        UInt32 type
    UInt32 SetMaximumSize(
        UInt32 size


The following tables list the methods and properties that belong to this class.





Sets the maximum cache size, in megabytes, of the overlay.


Sets the type of the UWF overlay to either RAM-based or disk-based.



Data type





[key, read]

Indicates which session the object contains settings for.

Set to True for the current session; set to False for the next session that begins after a restart.




Indicates the type of overlay.

Set to 0 for a RAM-based overlay; set to 1 for a disk-based overlay.




Indicates the maximum cache size, in megabytes, of the overlay.


Changes to the overlay configuration take effect on the next restart in which UWF is enabled.

Before you can change the Type or MaximumSize properties, UWF must be disabled in the current session.


The following example demonstrates how to change the maximum size or the storage type of the overlay in UWF by using the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) provider in a Windows PowerShell script.

The Windows PowerShell script creates two functions to modify the overlay configuration. It then demonstrates how to use the functions. The first function, Set-OverlaySize, sets the maximum size of the overlay. The second function, Set-OverlayType, sets the type of the overlay to RAM-based or disk-based.

$COMPUTER = "localhost"
$NAMESPACE = "root\standardcimv2\embedded"

# Define common parameters

$CommonParams = @{"namespace"=$NAMESPACE; "computer"=$COMPUTER}

function Set-OverlaySize([UInt32] $size) {

# This function sets the size of the overlay to which file and registry changes are redirected
# Changes take effect after the next restart

# $size is the maximum size in MB of the overlay

# Make sure that UWF is currently disabled

    $UWFFilter = Get-WmiObject -class UWF_Filter @commonParams

    if ($UWFFilter.CurrentEnabled -eq $false) {

# Get the configuration for the next session after a restart

        $nextConfig = Get-WMIObject -class UWF_OverlayConfig -Filter "CurrentSession = false" @CommonParams;

        if ($nextConfig) {

# Set the maximum size of the overlay

            write-host "Set overlay max size to $size MB."
    } else {
        write-host "UWF must be disabled in the current session before you can change the overlay size."

function Set-OverlayType([UInt32] $overlayType) {

# This function sets the type of the overlay to which file and registry changes are redirected
# Changes take effect after the next restart

# $overlayType is the type of storage that UWF uses to maintain the overlay. 0 = RAM-based; 1 = disk-based.

    $overlayTypeText = @("RAM-based", "disk-based")

# Make sure that the overlay type is a valid value

    if ($overlayType -eq 0 -or $overlayType -eq 1) {

# Make sure that UWF is currently disabled

        $UWFFilter = Get-WmiObject -class UWF_Filter @commonParams

        if ($UWFFilter.CurrentEnabled -eq $false) {
# Get the configuration for the next session after a restart

            $nextConfig = Get-WMIObject -class UWF_OverlayConfig -Filter "CurrentSession = false" @CommonParams;

            if ($nextConfig) {

# Set the type of the overlay

                write-host "Set overlay type to $overlayTypeText[$overlayType]."
        } else {
            write-host "UWF must be disabled in the current session before you can change the overlay type."
    } else {
        write-host "Invalid value for overlay type.  Valid values are 0 (RAM-based) or 1 (disk-based)."

# The following sample commands demonstrate how to use the functions to change the overlay configuration

$RAMMode = 0
$DiskMode = 1

Set-OverlaySize 2048

Set-OverlayType $DiskMode

See Also


Unified Write Filter WMI provider reference


Unified Write Filter