
EDB Functions (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows the EDB database functions along with a description of the purpose of each.

Programming element Description
CeAddDatabaseProps (EDB) This function is used to add properties to an existing database.
CeBeginTransaction (EDB) This function is used to begin a transaction.
CeChangeDatabaseLCID (EDB) This function changes the locale identifier (LCID) of a database volume for sort operations.
CeCreateDatabaseEx2 (EDB) This function creates a new database in a mounted volume. EDB applications should call CeCreateDatabaseWithProps (EDB) when creating an EDB database.
CeCreateDatabaseWithProps (EDB) This function creates a new database in a mounted volume.
CeCreateSession (EDB) This function is used to create a session. A session is used to begin, commit, or roll back transactions.
CeDeleteDatabase (EDB) This function is used to delete a database that is in a volume which was mounted by using the CeMountDbVolEx function.
CeDeleteRecord (EDB) This function is used to delete a record from a database.
CeEndTransaction (EDB) This function is used to end a transaction.
CeEnumDBVolumes (EDB) This function is used to enumerate the file names and GUIDs of all mounted volumes.
CeFindFirstDatabaseEx (EDB) This function is used to create a handle that can be then used with the CeFindNextDatabaseEx function to enumerate databases in a specific volume, or all of the databases across all mounted volumes.
CeFindNextDatabaseEx (EDB) This function returns the OID of the next database that matches the enumeration criteria set up by calling the CeFindFirstDatabaseEx function.
CeFlushDBVol (EDB) This function is used to forcibly flush all pending changes that have been made to a volume.
CeFreeNotification (EDB) This function is used to free a CENOTIFICATION pointer that was posted to a client's notification window.
CeGetDatabaseProps (EDB) This function is used to retrieve information on some or all of the properties from a database.
CeGetDatabaseSession (EDB) This function is used to obtain the session of an already opened database.
CeGetDBInformationByHandle (EDB) This function obtains information about an open database by using the handle of the database.
CeMountDBVol (EDB) This function is used to mount a volume. EDB applications should use CeMountDBVolEx (EDB).
CeMountDBVolEx (EDB) This function is used to mount a database volume.
CeOidGetInfoEx2 (EDB) This function is used to obtain information about an OID that was generated by EDB.
CeOpenDatabaseInSession (EDB) This function is used to open an existing database that is in a mounted volume
CeOpenStream (EDB) This function is used to open a stream object on a CEVT_STREAM typed property.
CeReadRecordProps (EDB) This function reads properties from the current record. EDB applications should use CeReadRecordPropsEx (EDB).
CeReadRecordPropsEx (EDB) This function is used to read a set of properties from the current record.
CeRemoveDatabaseProps (EDB) This function is used to remove properties from a database.
CeSeekDatabase (EDB) This CEDB function seeks the specified record in an open database. EDB applications should use CeSeekDatabaseEx (EDB).
CeSeekDatabaseEx (EDB) This function is used to seek to a specific record in an open database.
CeSetDatabaseInfo (EDB) This function is used to set various database parameters, including the name, sort orders, and type.
CeSetSessionOption (EDB) This function is used to set a per-session option.
CeStreamRead (EDB) This function is used to read data from a stream.
CeStreamSaveChanges (EDB) This function is used to commit the changes that have been made to the stream using the CeStreamWrite function.
CeStreamSeek (EDB) This function is used to change the current seek position of an opened stream.
CeStreamSetSize (EDB) This function is used to set the size of data in a stream.
CeStreamWrite (EDB) This function is used to write data to a stream.
CeUnmountDBVol (EDB) This function is used to unmount a volume that was previously mounted by calling the CeMountDbVolEx function.
CeWriteRecordProps (EDB) This function is used to either insert a new record or update the properties of an existing record.

See Also

Database Reference

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