
IPMPackage::AddCPUFiles (Windows CE 5.0)

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This method adds a list of known CPUs to a package. If the package is added to the IPMPlatformManager interface, the list includes all CPUs registered with Platform Manager. If the package is added to the IPMPlatform interface, the list includes CPUs associated with the platform.

HRESULT AddCPUFiles(BSTR bstrFullPath,BSTR bstrKeyName,BSTR bsOSIdOrName,VARIANT vtLocaleId,VARIANT vtFlags);


  • bstrFullPath
    [in] Path of the package.
  • bstrKeyName
    [in] Registry key for the package.
  • bsOSIdOrName
    [in] Optional. GUID or name of the operating system. This parameter is required if the package is added to the IPMPlatformManager interface. Failure returns E_FAIL. If the package is added to the IPMPlatform interface, the GUID of the operating system associated with the platform is passed even when this parameter is otherwise specified.
  • vtLocaleId
    [in] Optional. The locale and language identifier. The default value is LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT.
  • vtFlags
    [in] Optional. Flags for the file. The default value is 0.

Return Values

Returns S_OK if the call was successfully completed. If a failure occurs, the appropriate HRESULT value is returned.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Package.h, Cemgr.idl.

See Also

IPMPlatform | IPMPlatformManager

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