
SHGetInputContext (Windows CE 5.0)

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For Windows Mobile-based devices, the SHGetInputContext function retrieves the current state of a context feature of an input window.

**Note   **The SHGetInputContext function is not implemented for Windows CE-based devices. It is provided as a stub in the operating system (OS) for application compatibility and will always return E_NOTIMPL.


HRESULT SHGetInputContext (HWNDhwnd,DWORDdwFeature,LPVOIDlpValue,  LPDWORD lpdwSize);


  • hwnd
    [in] Handle to the window whose context feature is being retrieved.
  • dwFeature
    [in] The context feature to retrieve, specified by a value from the SHIC_FEATURE enumeration. For more information, see Remarks.
  • lpValue
    [out] Reference to a buffer that contains the requested feature value.
  • lpdwSize
    [in, out] The size of the output buffer. If lpValue is input as NULL, the necessary size of the buffer is returned in lpdwSize.

Return Values


The function completed successfully.


The hwnd or lpdwSize parameter was NULL.


The feature specified by the dwFeature parameter was invalid.


The buffer was too small to contain the requested feature value.


The context features that can be retrieved are determined by the SHIC_FEATURE enumeration. One of the enumerators of SHIC_FEATURE must be passed as the dwFeature parameter of SHGetInputContext.

For any context feature that was not explicitly defined through SHSetInputContext, the value of that feature is taken from the window's SHIC CLASS. If the class does not define it, the value is taken from the window's parent window. Finally, if no windows in the parent chain have an explicitly set value, the value returned is the default for that feature.


Pocket PC: Windows Mobile 2003 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later
Header: aygshell.h
Library: aygshell.lib

See Also


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