
Generic Streamer Filter (Windows CE 5.0)

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Applies to: Devices based on Windows CE 5.0 with the Windows CE 5.0 Networked Media Device Feature Pack

This filter enables HTTP 1.1 and HTTP 1.0 streaming for non-Windows Media content. Windows Media content is supported by other filters.

On devices without the Windows CE 5.0 Networked Media Device Feature Pack, non Windows Media files are downloaded locally and played from the cache. This causes two main issues: A file larger than available storage cannot be played, and the user cannot seek to a location in the file.

This filter connects to any HTTP server compliant with the W3C HTTP specification.

The filter behaves in the following ways:

  • When connecting to a server supporting the HTTP 1.0 protocol, the client will be able to simply play a file from the beginning to the end
  • When connecting to a server supporting the HTTP 1.1 protocol, the client will be able to play the file starting any position, pause and resume playback, seek to any position in the file, and reconnect from the current position if the server connection is lost.

The filter provides support for the following scenarios:

  • If the user opens an HTTP stream through Windows Media Connect, the stream plays on the device.
  • If the user opens an HTTP stream on the internet, the stream plays on the device.
  • If the user pauses and resumes the playback on the device, playback continues at the point where it was paused.
  • If the user seeks to any random position on the device, playback continues from that location.
  • If the connection is lost with the server (due to timeout or bad network); the device will re-buffer and restart the playback from the current position.
Filter Property Description
Filter Interfaces IFileSourceFilter





Input Pin Media Types Not applicable.
Input Pin Interfaces Not applicable.
Output Pin Media Types MEDIATYPE_Stream
Output Pin Interfaces IAsyncReader
Filter CLSID {6949148B-D79D-4f29-A1CF-2B8E9B675F32}
Property Page CLSID Not Applicable
Executable Quart.dll
Filter Category CLSID_LegacyAmFilterCategory

See Also

Supported DirectShow Filters

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