
Direct3D Mobile Interfaces (Windows CE 5.0)

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The implementations for the Microsoft® Direct3D® Mobile interfaces support most, but not all, of the conventions of the component object model (COM). For more information, see Direct3D Mobile and COM.

The following table shows the interfaces supported by Direct3D Mobile.

Interface Description
IDirect3DMobile Used to manipulate the main Direct3D Mobile object and set up the Direct3D Mobile environment.
IDirect3DMobileBaseTexture Used as a base interface for working with texture map objects.
IDirect3DMobileDevice Used to manipulate the Direct3D Mobile Device object. This corresponds directly to interacting with the display driver.
IDirect3DMobileIndexBuffer The primary interface for working with index buffers.
IDirect3DMobileResource The base interface for working with resource objects such as texture maps, vertex buffers, and index buffers.
IDirect3DMobileSurface Used to work with any object that has a height, width, pixel format, and a buffer associated with it, such as front and back buffers, the depth buffer, and individual texture map levels.
IDirect3DMobileSwapChain Used to manipulate swap chains that are outside of the primary swap chain that is implicitly created when the Direct3D Mobile device is created.
IDirect3DMobileTexture The primary interface for working with texture map objects in Direct3D Mobile.
IDirect3DMobileVertexBuffer The primary interface for working with vertex buffers.

See Also

Direct3D Mobile Reference

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