
IInternetProtocol::Read (Windows CE 5.0)

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This method reads data retrieved by the pluggable protocol handler.

HRESULT Read(void* pv,ULONGcb,ULONG* pcbRead);


  • pv
    [in, out] Address of the buffer where the information will be stored.
  • cb
    [in] ULONG value that indicates the size of the buffer.
  • pcbRead
    [out] Address of a ULONG value that indicates the amount of data stored in the buffer.

Return Values

Returns one of the values shown in the following table.

Value Description
INET_E_DATA_NOT_AVAILABLE There is no more data available from the server, but more data was expected.
E_PENDING The read operation is pending.
S_OK The read was successful, but there is still additional data available.
S_FALSE All of the data has been completely downloaded.


Developers who are implementing an asynchronous pluggable protocol must be prepared to have their implementation of IInternetProtocol::Read continue to be called a few extra times after it has returned S_FALSE.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Urlmon.h, Urlmon.idl.
Link Library: Urlmon.lib.

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