
Building DirectShow Applications (Windows CE 5.0)

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Header Files

All DirectShow applications use the Dshow.h header file. Some DirectShow interfaces require additional header files. These requirements are noted in the interface reference.

Library Files

The following table shows the library files DirectShow uses.

Library file Description
Quartz.lib Exports the AMGetErrorText function. If you do not call this function, this library is not required.
Strmbase.lib If you do not use the DirectShow base classes, this library is not required. For information about the difference between Strmbase.lib and Qtzbase.lib, see Building DirectShow Filters
Strmiids.lib Exports class identifiers (CLSIDs) and interface identifiers (IIDs). All DirectShow applications require this library.

In your build environment, the SDK Include and Lib directories should be the first directories in the search path. This ensures that you are using the most recent versions of these files.

See Also

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