
IUPnPDescriptionDocument::Load (Windows CE 5.0)

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This method loads a document synchronously. It does not return control to the caller until the load operation is complete.

HRESULT Load(BSTRbstrUrl);


  • bstrUrl
    [in] Specifies the URL of the document to load.

Return Values

  • S_OK
    This method was successful.

Otherwise, the method returns one of the COM error codes defined in WinError.h, or one of the following UPnP return values.

UPnP-specific Return value Description
UPNP_E_DEVICE_ELEMENT_EXPECTED Extensible Markup Language (XML) document does not have a device element. It is missing either from the root element or the DeviceList element.
UPnP_E_DEVICE_ELEMENT_EXPECTED There is no Device element in the specified description document.
UPNP_E_DEVICE_NODE_INCOMPLETE XML document is missing one of the required elements from the Device element.
UPNP_E_ICON_ELEMENT_EXPECTED XML document does not have an icon element. It is missing from the IconList element, or the DeviceList element does not contain an IconList element.
UPnP_E_ICON_ELEMENT_EXPECTED There is no Icon element in the specified description document.
UPNP_E_ICON_NODE_INCOMPLETE XML document is missing one of the required elements from the Icon element.
UPnP_E_ICON_NODE_INCOMPLETE There is no Icon Node in the specified description document.
UPNP_E_ROOT_ELEMENT_EXPECTED XML document does not have a root element at the top level of the document.
UPnP_E_ROOT_ELEMENT_EXPECTED There is no Root element in the specified description document.
UPNP_E_SERVICE_ELEMENT_EXPECTED XML document does not have a service element. It is missing from the ServiceList element, or the DeviceList element does not contain a ServiceList element.
UPNP_E_SERVICE_NODE_INCOMPLETE XML document is missing one of the required elements from the Service element.


This method should not be called from a user interface thread because it can take a long time for the method to return.

If the Load method is called by a script within a Web page, bstrUrl may be a relative URL. The address of the current web page is used as the base URL.

If this method is called from a Web page, the URL the caller specifies must refer to the same server from which the Web page was loaded.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Upnp.h.
Link Library: Uuid.lib.

See Also

IUPnPDescriptionDocument:IDispatch | IUPnPDescriptionDocument::LoadAsync

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