
OALIntrRequestIrqs (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function returns the list of IRQs for the device.

BOOL OALIntrRequestIrqs(  DEVICE_LOCATION *pDevLoc,  UINT32 *pCount,  UINT32 *pIrqs);


  • pDevLoc
    [in] Pointer to a DEVICE_LOCATION structure that identifies the list of IRQs.
  • pCount
    [in, out] On input, pCount contains a pointer to the maximum number of IRQs allowed in the list. On output, pCount contains the number of IRQs actually set in the list.
  • pIrqs
    [out] Pointer to the list of IRQs.

Return Values

TRUE indicates success.

FALSE indicates failure.


If your implementation uses hardware platform callbacks, OALIntrRequestIrqs must call BSPIntrRequestIrqs if the device is not recognized.


OS Versions: Windows CE Version 5.0 and later
Header: Oal_intr.h
Link Library: Developer-defined

See Also

Interrupt Functions

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