
Migrating from an Earlier Version of Windows CE (Windows CE 5.0)

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This section provides links to information about migrating operating system designs from previous versions of Microsoft® Windows® CE to Windows CE 5.0.

For step-by-step instructions about migrating Windows CE .NET 4.2 OS designs to Windows CE 5.0, see How to Migrate a Windows CE .NET 4.2 OS Design to Windows CE 5.0.

In This Section

  • Migrating a Build Environment
    Provides links to information about migrating build environments from previous versions of Windows CE to Windows CE 5.0.
  • Migrating a BSP
    Provides links to information about migrating board support packages (BSP) from previous versions of Windows CE to Windows CE 5.0.
  • Migrating a Device Driver
    Provides links to information about migrating device drivers from previous versions of Windows CE to Windows CE 5.0.
  • Migrating an Application
    Provides links to information about migrating application drivers from previous versions of Windows CE to Windows CE 5.0.
  • Migrating Windows CE OS Functionality
    Provides links to information about migrating operating system functionality from previous versions of Windows CE to Windows CE 5.0.
  • Sysgen Variable Changes
    Provides information about new and removed Sysgen variables for Windows CE 5.0.
  • Version-Specific Migration Information
    Provides links to information about migrating from previous versions of Windows CE, organized by version.

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