
MI Providers and Clients

This section includes several examples that illustrate how to build, register, and test an Windows Management Infrastructure (MI) provider as well as how to consume an MI provider from either a native or managed MI client. Be sure to check out the How to: Configure the MI Development Environment so that you have all the necessary bits downloaded and installed when you begin your development.

In this section

Best Practices for MI Provider and Client Development

This topic explains some of the best practices for developing Windows Management Infrastructure (MI) providers and clients.

How to: Configure the MI Development Environment

This topic includes step-by-step instructions to configure a development environment for coding, registering, and testing MI providers and clients.

How to Implement an MI Provider

A Windows Management Infrastructure (MI) provider enables you to define management data and operations that can be performed on that data. For example, you can develop providers for anything that requires some sort of management at the network or enterprise level. This includes hardware such as hard drives, network connections, and printers as well as software settings such as services, drivers, and so forth. Each of this section's topics presents a set of step-by-step instructions that illustrate tasks such as how to build, register, and test an MI Provider using MI tools, Microsoft Visual Studio, and PowerShell.

How to Implement a Managed MI Client

A Windows Management Infrastructure (MI) client enables you to consume data exposed by an MI provider. This section presents a set of step-by-step instructions that illustrate how to perform various tasks from a managed MI client using the MI .NET API and Microsoft Visual C#.

How to Implement a Native MI Client

A Windows Management Infrastructure (MI) client enables you to consume data exposed by an MI provider. This section presents a set of step-by-step instructions that illustrate how to perform various tasks from a native MI client using the MI API and Microsoft Visual C++.