
ISchemaType Interface


[This feature was only implemented for MSXML 6.0.]

Provides access to basic type information, and to a DOM representation of the type object. You obtain an ISchemaType object by using the types property of the ISchema interface, the type property of the ISchemaAttribute interface, and the type property of the ISchemaElement interface.


baseTypes Retrieves the collection of the base-types of the type.
derivedBy Retrieves the method by which the type definition was derived.
enumeration Retrieves the enumeration facet of the restriction.
final Retrieves the final value of the type definition.
fractionDigits Retrieves the fractionDigits facet of the restriction.
length Retrieves the length facet of the restriction.
maxExclusive Retrieves the maxExclusive facet of the restriction.
maxInclusive Retrieves the maxInclusive facet of the restriction.
maxLength Retrieves the maxLength facet of the restriction.
minExclusive Retrieves the minExclusive facet of the restriction.
minInclusive Retrieves the minInclusive facet of the restriction.
minLength Retrieves the minLength facet of the restriction.
patterns Retrieves a string collection that contains the pattern facets of the restriction.
totalDigits Retrieves the totalDigits facet of the restriction.
variety Retrieves the value of the variety attribute for the type definition.
whiteSpace Retrieves the whitespace facet of the restriction.


isValid Checks whether the value that has been passed in is a valid instance of this type.

JScript Syntax

var oSchemaTypes = oSchema.types;  
var oSchemaType = oSchemaTypes.item(index)  


A long integer. An index of the item within the collection. The first item is zero.

Visual Basic Syntax

Set oSchemaTypes = oSchema.types  
Set oSchemaType = oSchemaTypes.item


A long integer. An index of the item within the collection. The first item is zero.

C/C++ Syntax

HRESULT get_types(ISchemaItemCollection** types);  
HRESULT types->get_item(long index, ISchemaType** type);  


A long integer. An index of the item within the collection. The first item is zero.


Implementation: msxml6.dll, msxml6.lib

Header and LIB files: msxml6.h, msxml6.lib, msxml6.idl

Inheritance: Inherits from the ISchemaItem interface.


Implemented in: MSXML 6.0

See Also

types Property
type Property (ISchemaAttribute)
type Property (ISchemaElement)
Parts of Data Types
Data Type Facets
SOM Reference