
Output for the errorParams Example


[This sample output requries features that were implemented only in MSXML 6.0.]

When you build and run the errorParams code, you should get the following output in a message box.

Validating DOM...  
invalid dom:  
Element 'review' is unexpected according to content model of parent element 'book'.  
Expecting: price.  
/*[local-name()="books" and namespace-uri()="urn:books"]/book[2]/review[1]  
Parameters Count: 3  
        errorParameters(0): book  
        errorParameters(1): review  
        errorParameters(2): price  
Validating nodes...  
Node is valid:  
<book id="bk001">  
        <author>Hightower, Kim</author>  
        <title>The First Book</title>  
        <review>An amazing story of nothing.</review>  
Node is invalid:  
        reason: Element 'review' is unexpected according to content model of parent element 'book'.  
Expecting: price.  
/*[local-name()="books" and namespace-uri()="urn:books"]/book[2]/review[1]  
Parameters Count: 3  
        errorParameters(0): book  
        errorParameters(1): review  
        errorParameters(2): price  
Node is invalid:  
        reason: Element 'review' is unexpected according to content model of parent element 'book'.  
Expecting: pub_date.  
/*[local-name()="books" and namespace-uri()="urn:books"]/book[3]/review[1]  
Parameters Count: 3  
        errorParameters(0): book  
        errorParameters(1): review  
        errorParameters(2): pub_date