
iSCSI Discovery Library Functions

This section details the following iSCSI Discovery Library functions.

Function Description
AddIsnsServer Adds a new server to the list of iSNS servers that the iSCSI initiator service uses to discover targets.
AddIscsiConnection Adds a new connection to an existing session.
AddIscsiSendTargetPortal Adds a static target portal to the list of target portals to which the iSCSI initiator service transmits SendTargets requests.
AddIscsiStaticTarget Adds a target to the list of static targets available to the iSCSI initiator.
AddPersistentIscsiDevice Adds a device name, drive letter, or mount point symbolic link for a volume to the list of iSCSI persistently bound volumes and devices.
AddRadiusServer Adds a new RADIUS server to the list referenced by the iSCSI initiator service during authentication.
ClearPersistentIscsiDevices Removes all volumes and devices from the list of persistently bound iSCSI volumes.
GetDevicesForIscsiSession Retrieves information about the devices associated with the session.
GetIscsiIKEInfo Retrieves the IPsec policy and any established pre-shared key values associated with an initiator Host-Bus Adapter (HBA).
GetIscsiInitiatorNodeName Retrieves the common initiator node name that is used when establishing sessions from this computer.
GetIscsiSessionList Retrieves the list of active iSCSI sessions.
GetIscsiTargetInformation Retrieves information about the specified target.
GetIscsiVersionInformation Retrieves information about the initiator version.
LoginIscsiTarget Establishes a full featured login session with the indicated target.
LogoutIscsiTarget Closes the indicated login session.
RefreshIsnsServer Instructs the iSCSI initiator service to query the indicated iSNS server to refresh the list over discovered targets for the iSCSI initiator service.
RefreshIscsiSendTargetPortal Instructs the iSCSI initiator service to establish a discovery session with the indicated target portal and transmit a SendTargets request to the portal to refresh the list of discovered targets for the iSCSI initiator service.
RemoveIsnsServer Removes a server from the list of iSNS servers that the iSCSI initiator service uses to discover targets.
RemoveIscsiConnection Removes a connection from an active session.
RemoveIscsiPersistentTarget Removes a persistent login for the specified hardware initiator (HBA), iniator port and target portal.
RemoveIscsiSendTargetPortal removes a portal from the list of portals to which the iSCSI initiator service sends SendTargets requests to discover targets.
RemoveIscsiStaticTarget Removes a target from the list of static targets available to the computer.
RemovePersistentIscsiDevice Removes a device or volume from the list of persistently bound iSCSI volumes.
RemoveRadiusServer Removes a RADIUS server entry from the RADIUS server list that an iSCSI initiator is configured with.
ReportActiveIscsiTargetMappings Retrieves the target mappings that are currently active for all initiators on the computer.
ReportIsnsServerList Retrieves the list of iSNS servers that the iSCSI initiator service queries for discovered targets.
ReportIscsiInitiatorList Retrieves the list of HBA initiators that are running on the computer.
ReportIscsiPersistentLogins Retrieves the list of persistent login targets.
ReportIscsiSendTargetPortals Retrieves a list of target portals that the iSCSI initiator service uses to perform automatic discovery with SendTarget requests.
ReportIscsiSendTargetPortalsEx Retrieves a list of static target portals that the iSCSI initiator service uses to perform automatic discovery with SendTarget requests.
ReportIscsiTargets Retrieves the list of targets that the iSCSI initiator service has discovered, and optionally instructs the iSCSI initiator service to refresh the list.
ReportIscsiTargetPortals Retrieves target portal information discovered by the iSCSI initiator service.
ReportPersistentIscsiDevices Retrieves the list of persistently bound volumes and devices.
ReportRadiusServerList Retrieves the list of persistently bound volumes and devices.
SendScsiInquiry Sends a SCSI INQUIRY command to the specified target.
SendScsiReadCapacity Sends a SCSI READ CAPACITY command to the indicated target.
SendScsiReportLuns Sends a SCSI REPORT LUNS command to the indicated target.
SetIscsiGroupPresharedKey Establishes the default group preshared key for all initiators on the computer.
SetIscsiIKEInfo Establishes the IPsec policy and preshared key for the indicated initiator to use when performing iSCSI connections.
SetIscsiInitiatorCHAPSharedSecret Establishes the default CHAP shared secret for all initiators on the computer.
SetIscsiInitiatorRADIUSSharedSecret Establishes the RADIUS shared secret.
SetIscsiInitiatorNodeName Establishes an initiator node name for the computer that all initiators on the computer use when communicating with other nodes.
SetIscsiTunnelModeOuterAddress Establishes the tunnel-mode outer address that the indicated HBA initiator uses when communicating in IPsec tunnel mode through the specified port.
SetupPersistentIscsiDevices Builds the list of devices and volumes that belong to iSCSI targets that are connected to the computer, and saves the list in non-volatile cache of the iSCSI initiator service.