
Operators for Scalars


Indexing Service is no longer supported as of Windows XP and is unavailable for use as of Windows 8. Instead, use Windows Search for client side search and Microsoft Search Server Express for server side search.


The following list describes the operators for scalars.


Scalar parameter, named by a string. The name must be unique within all parameters for the command, including the parameters of SQL commands in textual nodes in the same command tree. This operator does not take any input and produces scalar output.


A scalar function identified by name, globally unique identifier (GUID), etc., similar to a column name. The number of arguments (inputs) depends on the function; it produces scalar output.

DBOP_plus, DBOP_minus, DBOP_times, DBOP_over, DBOP_div, DBOP_modulo, DBOP_power

Standard arithmetic. "div" always returns an integer result, such that "(a div b) times b plus a modulo b == a" for all nonzero values for b. These operators require two scalar inputs and produce a scalar result.

DBOP_like, DBOP_sounds_like

Regular expression matching. These operators require two string inputs. For DBOP_like, the operator node includes a globally unique identifier (GUID) for the language or system whose regular expression syntax is to be used. Fixed GUIDs are assigned for SQL, MS-DOS,‹ OFS,› and Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI). Boolean result. The DBOP_like node uses the DBLIKE structure to hold the GUID and a weight.

DBOP_like_any, DBOP_like_all

Regular expression matching. These operators take a scalar first input and a table-valued second input and produce a Boolean output.


SQL's tests on predicates. These operators take one scalar input and produce a Boolean result.

DBOP_overlaps, DBOP_case_condition, DBOP_case_value, DBOP_nullif, DBOP_cast, DBOP_coalesce, DBOP_position, DBOP_extract, DBOP_char_length, DBOP_octet_length, DBOP_bit_length, DBOP_substring, DBOP_upper, DBOP_lower, DBOP_trim, DBOP_translate, DBOP_convert, DBOP_string_concat, DBOP_current_date, DBOP_current_time, DBOP_current_timestamp