
To insert the JavaScript code

Insert the following JavaScript functions between the <HEAD> start and end tags of the page:

function <i>function1Name</i>(<i>idVariable</i>){
//display the section if it's not displayed; hide it if it is displayed
if (<i>idVariable</i>.style.display=="none"){<i>idVariable</i>.style.display=""}
function <i>function2Name</i>(<i>idVariable</i>){
//remove the section when user clicks in the opened DIV
if (<i>idVariable</i>.style.display==""){<i>idVariable</i>.style.display="none"}

Where function1Name and function2Name are the names of each function, and idVariable is the variable for the unique ID that is passed to the script each time a user clicks the link.


The following is the actual JavaScript code used in the HTML Help documentation:

function doSection (secNum){
//display the section if it's not displayed; hide it if it is displayed
if (secNum.style.display=="none"){secNum.style.display=""}

function noSection (secNum){
//remove the section when user clicks in the opened DIV
if (secNum.style.display==""){secNum.style.display="none"}


You can use a global script file to store all of your scripts in one location. This can make it much easier to maintain scripts that are used on multiple topics in a help system.

Step 3: Update Your Style Sheet