
Registry Provider

[Function Discovery is available for use in the following versions of Windows: Windows Server 2012, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Vista. It may be altered or unavailable in subsequent versions.]

The registry provider is a synchronous local provider that enumerates resources discoverable by the Registry API and responds to function instance queries for these resources. The registry provider can enumerate specially-formatted REG_BINARY registry values that are located in the area of the registry assigned to the Function Discovery registry store.

Query Results

The registry provider supports collection queries and instance queries. That means the provider supports both the IFunctionInstanceCollectionQuery::Execute and IFunctionInstanceQuery::Execute methods. Because the registry provider is synchronous, an Execute method returns S_OK for a successful query.

In addition, the registry provider supports subcategory queries. A subcategory is used to limit the results returned by a query. To specify a subcategory, pass a non-NULL value to the pszSubCategory parameter of the IFunctionDiscovery::CreateInstanceCollectionQuery method.

Query Constraints

A query constraint can be added by calling IFunctionInstanceCollectionQuery::AddQueryConstraint on an IFunctionInstanceCollectionQuery object before executing the query.

The following table shows the query constraints supported by the registry provider. The table also shows the value to pass to the pszConstraintValue parameter of the AddQueryConstraint method.

Constraint Name Constraint Value Remarks
FD_QUERYCONSTRAINT_PROVIDERINSTANCEID The provider instance identifier, as returned by IFunctionInstance::GetProviderInstanceID. When this constraint is specified, the query returns the function instance matching the provider instance identifier. The function instance must be present on the system.Applying this query constraint is equivalent to calling IFunctionDiscovery::GetInstance.
FD_QUERYCONSTRAINT_SUBCATEGORY The relative path of the registry folder to search for matching keys. The path contains one or more folders, separated by backslashes; for example, folder1\folder2. When this constraint is specified, the returned set of function instances correspond to keys stored in the named folder.By default, this constraint is not specified, and the registry provider searches for matching function instances from the root of the registry provider namespace.
FD_QUERYCONSTRAINT_RECURSESUBCATEGORY FD_CONSTRAINTVALUE_RECURSESUBCATEGORY_TRUE When this constraint is specified, the registry provider searches the specified folder and all subfolders for matching function instances. Specifying this constraint may affect the timeliness of received notifications. For more information, see Notifications.By default, this constraint is not specified.

For more information about a named constraint, see Constraint Definitions. For general information about query constraints, see Constraints.

The FD_QUERYCONSTRAINT_VISIBILITY constraint is not supported by the registry Provider.


If a non-NULL IFunctionDiscoveryNotification pointer is passed to the query creation method (either CreateInstanceCollectionQuery or CreateInstanceQuery), then the registry provider will listen for events and send QUA_ADD, QUA_REMOVE, and QUA_CHANGE notifications to the interface as appropriate. An implementation of the IFunctionDiscoveryNotification::OnUpdate method should handle these notifications.

The registry provider sends a QUA_ADD notification when a new function instance has been added to the registry store in the folder location being monitored by the active query. The registry provider sends a QUA_REMOVE notification when a function instance known to both the client and provider was removed from the registry store location being monitored by the active query. The registry provider sends a QUA_CHANGE notification when the property store associated with a function instance known to both the client and provider has been modified.

The native registry store has a single notification handle, which it uses to notify the listening application (such as the registry provider) that a registry key has changed. Unfortunately, the handle does not specify which key has changed.

This particular fact is most important for recursive queries. The registry provider must then re-examine every registry value in the query space and compare it to the cache to determine what kind if any notification to send to the listening client application. Due to timing issues, it is possible to misinterpret a native notification. For example, if a registry value (function instance) is removed and then re-added very quickly before the registry provider has a chance to re-examine all of the function instances, it is possible for the registry provider to send a QUA_CHANGE to the client application rather than a QUA_REMOVE followed by a QUA_ADD. Conversely, if a registry value (function instance) is quickly added and then removed before the registry provider has a change to re-examine all the function instances, it is also possible for the provider to send no notification to the client application rather than a QUA_ADD followed by a QUA_REMOVE, because the provider would not have had a chance to see the value in the registry.

When writing applications, the limitations of the notification mechanisms must be kept in mind. Do not use the registry provider as a synchronization object. In addition, avoid recursive queries that result in a large number (tens of thousands) of returned function instances.

Property Store

The registry provider implements writeable property stores. The IFunctionInstance::OpenPropertyStore method can be used to access the property keys (PKEYs) associated with a registry function instance. The methods of the IPropertyStore interface can be used to get and set PKEYs associated with the function instance. IPropertyStore::Commit must be called after setting a PKEY value. When Commit is called, the registry provider serializes the property store into a binary blob and writes the blob to the registry. A QUA_ADD or QUA_CHANGE notification is generated when values are written to the registry.

Required and Optional PKEYs

The registry provider supports an extensible property store. That means any PKEY can be added to the property store associated with a registry resource. For more information about PKEYs, see Key Definitions.

There is only one PKEY required by the registry provider: PKEY_Write_Time. For a definition of this key, see General PKEYs.

Built-in Providers